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Sustainable Operations

Frequently Asked Questions



What is sustainable operations?

Sustainable Operations can be defined as operation that meets the needs of the present without compromising the environment for future generations.

More Energy FAQs

What is the purpose of implementing Executive Order 13423; Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management?

Executive Order (E.O.) 13423 requires the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to adhere to the policy set forth in the E.O. “that Federal agencies conduct their environmental, transportation, and energy-related activities under the law in support of their respective missions in an environmentally, economically, and fiscally sounds, intergrated, continuously improving, efficient, and sustainable manner.” The E.O. requires USDA to develop and implement environmental management systems (EMS) and sustainable practices that adhere to the requirements specified in the E.O. The purpose of this memorandum is to emphasize the importance of internal USDA actions to meet these requirements.

Read the MOU [PDF]

How do I find Energy Star Products?

If you are a business, ask your MIS or procurement official about purchasing Energy Star equipment, and look for the Energy Star logo in advertisements and on specification sheets.

If you work in the Federal Government, the General Services Administration has issued guidelines on the acquisition of Energy Star computers. Call (202) 519-4860 for a copy.

If you need a computer for home, look for the Energy Star logo on display models in local retails stores – if you do not see it, ask for it.

Read more information about Energy Star equipment [PDF]

What is Energy Star equipment and what are their advantages?

“Energy Stars” are energy-efficient computers, monitors, and printers that save energy by powering down and going to “sleep” when not being used. These energy-efficient machines save money on electricity bills and reduce pollution, improving your bottom line and the earth’s environment.

Energy Star equipment saves users costs. The equipment produces less heat, and thus contributes to a cooler and more comfortable workspace. Energy Star PC’s can be quieter since some have no fans and can be less intrusive desktop item since they are usually smaller than traditional PCs.

More information about Energy Star equipment »

What is the Digital Television Transition and when will it occur?

As of February 17, 2009, most television stations will broadcast only in digital as required by the Digital Television Transition and Public Safety Act of 2005. Those who own a television with a digital tuner or subscribe to a TV service (e.g., cable or satellite) will not be affected.

Find more information at the EPA's Digital Televions Transition web site »

How do I know if my TV will work after the Digital Television Transition?

If you use “rabbit ears” or a rooftop antenna with your analog television, you must do one of the following to continue receiving television broadcasts:
*Buy a converter box that will plug into your TV;
*Connect your analog TB to cable, satellite or other pay service; or
*Buy a TV with a digital turner.

Find more information at the EPA's Digital Televions Transition web site »

What is ESPC?

ESPC is a no-upfront-cost contracting method. The contractor incurs the cost of implementing energy conservation measures (ECM) and is paid front eh energy, water, wastewater and operations saving resulting from these ECMs.

For more information visit »



Green Purchasing


Fleet and Transportation

  1. How can I help the environment while I drive? 

    Here is a list of some of the EcoDriving practices that will help citizens to drive in a more environmental friendly way:
    1. Believe that you can help to reduce emissions
    2. Avoids rapid starts and stops
    3. Keep on rolling traffic- maintaining a constant speed in your commute help to increasing fuel economy.
    4. Use air conditioning at high speed
    5. Use cruise control
    6. Avoid idling
    7. Buy automated pass for toll roads
    8. Keep your cool- always roll down the windows when getting into a hot car, try to park in the shade, use windows shades, park in a garage instead the outdoors, etc.

Waste Prevention and Recycling

  1. What is the Call2Recycle program?
    The Call2recycle program is part of the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC).  Through partnerships with retailers, communities, business, and public agencies, provides convenient ways to collect and recycle the used rechargeable batteries found in cordless electronic products, such as cell phones, digital cameras, cordless power tools, laptop computers, cordless phones, etc. 

    To find more information about how the program works visit   

More Waste Prevention & Recycling FAQs

  1. How does the Forest Service participate with Call2Recycle program?
    The Forest Service has signed a national agreement with the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation (RBRC) to participate in Call2Recycle program. Through the collection of rechargeable batteries from cordless electronic devices and cell phones is helping to reduce hundreds of pounds of waste.  At the same time the funds raised by this recycling campaign are addressed to the Boys & Girls Club of the America. Find more information here [PDF] 
  1. Can my old cell phone be recycled?
    Yes. The materials that comprise old cell phones can also be recycled and reused to make many other products.

    There are two easy ways of recycling old cell phones:
    1. Donate a cell phone
    2. Start  a donation program

    For more information visit the Wireless Recycling link.
  1. What are the benefits of recycling cell phones?
    There are Cell phones recycling and wireless recycling programs that keep valuable materials out of landfills, including an estimated $630,000 of precious metals from circuit boards, and enough copper from phone chargers to recover the Statue of Liberty, twice.
    For more information visit the Wireless Recycling link
  1. What is the Cell Phone Data Eraser?
    The Cell Phone Data Eraser gives you all the tools you need to remove personal information like contact names and phone numbers from used cell phones.
    For more information visit the Wireless Recycling link

Sustainability Leadership


Last Modified: 01/22/2009