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Draft Recycling Policy

The WO Financial Policy and Standards has a draft policy in its final stage that will allow the field to retain and use revenues from the following areas:

  • Recycling
  • Reuse
  • Salvage
  • Waste Reduction
  • Pollution Prevention
  • Water Conservation and
  • Energy rebates from utility companies.

In order to use recycling revenues, units must have an established program at the unit level; however, units do not need to establish any programs to utilize revenues from water conservation and energy rebates from utility companies.


Events & Training

  • Sustainable Operations Summit 2008
  • Kids in the Woods
    In a society where children are becoming more technologically savvy and spending less time in the outdoors, it is important to educate children on the benefits of preserving forests and grasslands. Contributions from the Forest Service and various partnerships such as schools, environmental and youth non-profit organizations, Native American tribes and other federal, state and local government will promote children spending time in the outdoors and help develop them into environmental stewards.
  • National Get Outdoors Day [PDF]
    In a nationwide effort to get people away from their computers and interacting with the outdoors, the Forest Service and American Recreation Coalition are launching its second annual National Get Outdoors Day. In collaborations with federal, state and local agencies, and various key enthusiasts, this event is aimed to inspire a growing interest in national forests and grasslands.
  • MonarchLIVE: A Distance Learning Adventure [PDF]
    Be part of the most spectacular natural phenomena in the world. Millions of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) will be making their annual migration from Canada and the United States to the mountain peaks of Michoacan, Mexico. Take your class on FREE live and interactive field trips as they get to listen to scientists who study these amazing butterflies.

Sucess Stories


Last Modified: 05/04/2009