Star Sleeper Homepage (Screen Reader Version)
Hello and welcome to Garfield's Sheep Shot Game.
Garfield is fast asleep in Dreamland. He knows that he needs at least 9 hours of sleep each night, and he wants you to help him get it.
How can you help him? You can toss sheep at him, and every time you hit him with a sheep, he will get an additional 30 minutes of restful sleep.
You can tell where Garfield is on your screen by the 3 different sounds he makes. He will start on either the left side of the screen or the right and move across to the opposite side. The drum sound means he's moving across the bottom of your screen; the trumpet sound means he's moving across the middle of your screen, and the bell sound means he's moving across the top of your screen.
It takes Garfield 5 steps to move from one side of the screen to the other, and he makes a sound 3 times before taking each step. That means he will make a total of 15 sounds during each trip across the screen.
To launch a sheep at Garfield, you must hit a key on the keyboard that matches his location. Use the I, O, P, left bracket, or right bracket keys to try to hit him with a sheep when he is making the bell sound.
Use the J, K, L, semi-colon, or apostrophe keys to try to hit him when he is making the trumpet sound. And, use the N, M, comma, period, or slash keys to try to hit him when he is making the drum sound.
Use the left most keys to hit him when he is on the left side of the screen, the right most keys when he is on the right side, and the middle keys when he is half way across the screen.
Garfield sometimes moves quickly and since it takes time to launch each sheep, you may find it helps to launch the sheep in the direction Garfield will be moving "to" rather than where he currently "is."
You need to help Garfield get nine hours of sleep before daylight comes and the rooster crows so you can go to the next day. If you can help Garfield get enough sleep for three days, "you" win the game!
Here are some things you should know before you start the game.
First of all, you will need Flash Player 6 to play this game. If you do not already have it on your computer, download Flash Player 6 for free.
Secondly, please make sure that your left speaker is on the left side of your computer and the right speaker is guess where? That's right. The right side of your computer. And make sure both of them are on.
Lastly, to exit this game at any time, simply close the window.
If you have trouble with this game or suggestions about how to make it easier to play please NHLBI Accessibility Coordinator. (If you are under age 13, please ask your parent or guardian to do this for you.)
OK, now go to Sheep Shot Screen Reader Version, hit enter 2 times, hit the tab key, and then hit enter one more time. Good luck!