USDA Forest Service

Tongass National Forest

Photo composite showing LeConte Glacier, the Gut Island recreation cabin, a black bear and an eagle sitting on branches on opposite sides of a tree, an aerial view of the town of Wrangell, and two black bear cubs playing.
Chugach National Forest
Alaska Region
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Tongass National Forest
Federal Building
648 Mission Street
Ketchikan, AK 99901

(907) 225-3101
(907) 228-6222 (TTY)

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Tongass Home » Districts & Offices

Wrangell Ranger District

Welcome to the Wrangell Ranger District

Our offices are located at 525 Bennett Street, Wrangell, Alaska

Wrangell is a friendly town set in the midst of the beautiful country of Southeast Alaska. It has a long and distinguished history. Wrangell is the only community in Alaska to be governed by four nations and under three flags: Tlingít Nation, Russia, Britain, and the United States. The Native influence is still very strong in the community.

It lies just to the south of the mouth of the Stikine River, an international navigable waterway winding through the Stikine-LeConte Wilderness. The river delta is a stopover for thousands of birds migrating along the Pacific Flyway, teeming with life in spring and fall. In early spring, runs of ooligan, a small oily fish similar to herring, attract eagles, sealions, and subsistence fishers.

The delta provides excellent wildfowl hunting in fall, and the river valley supports a healthy herd of moose.

Recreation cabins, swimming spots, hot springs, and sand bars make the Stikine area a popular destination for locals and visitors alike.

North of the river is LeConte Bay, a serpentine fjord winding to the face of LeConte Glacier, the southernmost tidewater glacier in North America. The sheer beauty of the bay is augmented by ice bergs and harbor seals, making it a magnet for small cruise ships and private boats.

Off the south end of Wrangell Island at the mouth of the Bradfield Canal, is Anan Creek. Anan Creek is the site of a wildlife observatory frequented by black and brown bear, eagles, otters, and other hungry creatures gathered to feed on the abundant salmon that return to the creek every summer to spawn. Reservations are needed to visit the observatory between July 5 and August 25.

At the head of the Bradfield Canal, the Tyee Hydroelectric Project provides power for Wrangell and Petersburg, with the possibility of connecting to the Ketchikan power grid and extending from Petersburg to Kake. Except for the underwater portions, most of the transmission lines cross national forest lands.

To contact us:
Write to PO Box 51,
Wrangell, Alaska 99929
Call: (907) 874-2323
Fax: (907) 874-7595
E-mail comments to our webmaster



USDA Forest Service - Tongass National Forest
Last Modified: February 05, 2009

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