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U.S. Geological Survey Manual

431.2 - Correspondence Management


OPR: Director's Office

1. Purpose. This chapter establishes policy and responsibilities for the conduct of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Correspondence Management Program.

2. Authority. The Federal Records Act of 1950 (44 U.S.C. 395(a)), and Federal Information Resources Management Regulations (FIRMR) issued thereunder prescribe agency responsibilities and requirements in implementing a program for the management of its correspondence.

3. References. In the conduct of its Correspondence Management Program the USGS follows the guidelines and criteria set forth in the following publications:

U.S. Government Correspondence Manual, 1992

U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual, 2000

Secretarial Correspondence Procedures Handbook, 1991

USGS Correspondence Handbook, 431-2-H

4. Definition. Correspondence is a generic term including letters, form letters, telegrams, memorandums, endorsements, summary sheets, postal cards, memo routing slips, and other written or electronic communications.

5. Policy. It is USGS policy to limit correspondence to essential requirements, to improve the quality of necessary correspondence, and to prepare it in an economical and efficient manner.

6. Responsibilities.

A. The Office of the Director, through the Correspondence Analyst, has overall responsibility for correspondence management and for conducting periodic spot checks of USGS correspondence to determine compliance with standards. The Correspondence Analyst also is responsible for preparation of USGS supplements to the U.S. Government Correspondence Manual and to manuals and issuances on correspondence coming from the Department. The Correspondence Analyst provides liaison with the Executive Secretariat and other members of the Secretariat concerned with correspondence procedures and the requirements and is responsible for providing periodic training on the subject for USGS personnel.

B. Division Chiefs are responsible for ensuring that the policy set forth in this chapter is observed within their respective areas of jurisdiction.

7. Procedures. Detailed procedures for preparing and processing USGS correspondence are contained in the USGS Correspondence Handbook, 4312H. Copies of the Handbook may be obtained from the Office of the Director, MS 114, Reston, VA 20192.

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