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403.12 - Tire Purchases


OPR: Admin/Procurement and Contracts

1. Purpose. This chapter provides policies and procedures for the purchase of tires for U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) motor vehicles and equipment and establishes an affirmative procurement program for retread tires in accordance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976.

2. Principles and Policies.

A. The Heads of Offices are responsible for assessing the need for tire purchases and implementing the contents of this chapter.

B. Only tires (including retread tires) listed on General Services Administration (GSA) Qualified Products Lists (QPLs) are to be purchased except in urgent or extraordinary circumstances.

3. Definitions.

Retread tire - A worn automobile, truck, or other motor vehicle tire whose tread has been replaced.

Tire - Tire as used in this chapter includes the following types of tires: passenger car tires; light, medium, and heavy-duty truck tires; bus tires; and special service tires (including military, agricultural, off-road, and pneumatic industrial). The term excludes airplane tires.

4. Affirmative Procurement Program for Tires. In accordance with Environmental Protection Agency Guidelines, dated November 17, 1988, USGS employees using owned or leased motor vehicles and equipment in the performance of their assigned duties will observe the following order of preference in filling tire needs: (1) have existing tires retreaded, if feasible; (2) purchase retread tires; or, (3) purchase new tires.

5. Exceptions.

A. Exceptions to the use of retread tires are:

(1) Unavailability from QPL sources within a reasonable period of time or, if installation is required, within a reasonable distance;

(2) Unavailability at a price (including federal excise tax on new tires and any installation or shipping charges) equal to or lower than the price for new tires; or when there are;

(3) Urgent or extraordinary circumstances, such as emergency replacement after tire failure in the field.

B. Tire specifications which preclude consideration of retread tires and new tire purchases for reasons other than those listed above must be approved by the Assistant Director for Administration in accordance with the Department of Interior Affirmative Procurement Program dated March 1992. Requests for approval should be forwarded by the Contracting Officer through the Procurement Policy Branch.

6. Acquisition from Federal Supply Schedule Sources.

A. Retread Tires. Procure retread tires from vendor listed in the Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) 26, Part II, or through the schedule vendor's authorized dealer when over the ordering minimum. The minimum order limitation under the Federal Supply Schedule for tires is $300.

B. New Tires. If the FSS item for the size and type of tires required is a new tire, they may be purchased only with justification or approval under 403.12.5 above.

7. Open Market Acquisitions.

A. Any of the purchase methods described in Survey Manual Chapter 403.2 may be used for open market purchases of tires when the purchase is below the FSS ordering threshold, when the applicable FSS item is for new tires, or when judged more advantageous by the Contracting Officer. The preference for purchase of retread tires must be observed.

B. Credit Card. A U.S. Government National Credit Card, Standard Form 149, may not be used to purchase tires except in an emergency.

8. Reporting Requirement. To monitor agency progress, the Environmental Protection Agency requires all agencies to record and report information about tire purchases each fiscal year. Divisions managing USGS-owned vehicles are required to provide the following information on a fiscal year basis to the Chief, Procurement Policy Branch, Reston, Virginia, no later than November 15th of each year.

A. Total dollar amount of new tires purchased.

B. Total dollar amount of retread tires purchased.

C. If new tires were purchased, state the reason(s) for not buying retreads.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
Contact: APS, Office of Policy and Analysis
Last modification: 13-Jul-2005@14:00 (kk)
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