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403.10 - Gasoline Credit Cards


OPR: Admin/Facilities and Management Services

1. Purpose. This chapter establishes policies, responsibilities and procedures for use and control of Standard Form (SF) 149, U.S. Government National Credit Card (Figure 1), in obtaining authorized delivery of supplies and services at service stations.

2. Policy.

A. Upon appropriate application, SF 149 will be issued for Motor Vehicles operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Forms for USGS-owned vehicles will be issued by the Office of Facilities and Management Services (OFMS). Purchases are subject to the limitations printed on the reverse side.

B. It is incumbent upon all holders of SF 149 to ensure its proper use, safeguard and administrative control.

C. Credit cards for GSA Motor Pool Vehicles will be issued by the appropriate GSA Regional Office.

3. Responsibilities.

A. The Chief, Office of Facilities and Management Services is responsible for the issue and administration of National Credit Cards within USGS.

B. The Chief, Office of Financial Management is responsible for processing billings regarding National Credit Cards and debiting appropriate accounts of offices for periodic payments.

C. The offices managing vehicles identified with National Credit Cards are responsible for ensuring that such cards are properly used, safeguarded, and controlled.

4. Procedures.

A. Issuance. OFMS issues the cards to USGS offices. The cards are issued for new vehicles, or when replacement tags are mailed to the requestor. One National Credit Card will be issued for each motor vehicle in the USGS fleet. Cards cannot be issued to employees. The card will be used only for purchases made for the vehicle whose license number is shown on the card. When requested in writing to the Branch of Property Management (BPM), Office of Facilities and Management Services, credit cards may be issued for the purchase of fuel and lubricants for other USGS equipment such as aircraft, boats, generators, etc.

B. Billings. All National Credit Cards issued for use in USGS will carry a billing address code. This numeric code provides the billing address to the oil companies for charges incurred on the credit card.

Credit card charges will be billed directly to the project office and paid from the applicable account.

C. Controls. Each authorized Survey employee has the responsibility to assure the proper use and security of the credit card entrusted to him/her. Credit cards must be returned to OFMS whenever the vehicle/equipment is sold or otherwise disposed of.

D. Replacement. A request for replacement of a credit card due to damage or loss will be submitted promptly to the Branch of Property Management, Office of Facilities and Management Services, MS 210, Reston, Virginia 22092. Pending receipt of a new credit card, the Blanket Purchase Arrangement (Charge Account) or SF 44 (9-044), Purchase Order Invoice-Voucher, will be used for the purchase of the required supplies and services if the vendor does not have his/her own billing procedure.

E. Discounts. Motor vehicle operators must use the Federal Supply Schedule contractors who offer maximum savings on service station purchases of gasoline, lubricants, etc., by granting discounts to Federal purchasers. Supervisors of all activities will ensure that:

(1) Every vehicle supplied with a credit card contains a current copy of the revised Guide to Service Stations (which is available from the appropriate GSA Regional Office).

(2) Every employee responsible for refueling and servicing vehicles is familiar with, and uses the current Guide to Service Stations to achieve maximum economies. Self-service gasoline pumps will be used where possible.

(3) Local arrangements with service station operators are strengthened and expanded to achieve the maximum overall economies and benefits, giving due consideration to contract discounts, local dealer discounts, and additional dealer considerations such as vehicle storage or parking privileges.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
Contact: APS, Office of Policy and Analysis
Last modification: 14-Jul-2005@09:53 (kk)
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