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U.S. Geological Survey Manual

308.66 – Specialized Safety Program Committees


OPR: Office of Management Services

Instructions: New Survey Manual Chapter

1. Purpose. . This Survey Manual Chapter provides the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) policy on Specialized Safety Program Committees (aviation, radiation, diving, firearms, and watercraft). These committees are established in accordance with Federal, Department of the Interior (Department or DOI), or USGS authorities, as referenced below. The committees are approved by the USGS Designated Agency Safety and Health Official (DASHO).

2. Scope. The Specialized Safety Program Committees operate, coordinate, and collaborate with the Bureau Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Council, the Bureau Environmental Management (EM) Council, and Regional Committees to develop, enhance, and implement safety, health, and environmental programs and initiatives at all organizational levels. USGS Specialized Program Committees determine collective actions to achieve program objectives aligned with Federal, DOI, and Bureau Occupational Safety, Health, and Environmental Strategic Plans. Each Specialized Program Committee is guided by a Bureau Specialized Safety Program Manager, with oversight and support provided by the Bureau OSHE Program Manager and DASHO. Actions and program initiatives of the Specialized Safety Program Committees are forwarded to the Bureau OSH Council for concurrence, with final approval by the Bureau DASHO. The DASHO is the USGS Director’s designee for safety, health, and environmental program matters throughout the Bureau.

3. Authorities and References. Authorities for Specialized Program Committees include:

A. Department Manual, 485 DM 1. Parts 350 through 354 establish management responsibilities, policies, and procedures for the use and operation of aircraft within the DOI and the USGS. The provisions set forth in the individual chapters of each part are applicable to USGS organizations that use or operate aircraft.

B. 29 CFR 1910, Subpart T (Commercial Diving Operations) and Appendix B (Guidelines for Scientific Diving), and the USGS Diving Safety Manual.

C. 33 CFR, Navigation and Navigable Waters, Subchapter S (Boating Safety); 46 CFR 25 (Shipping); and the United States Coast Guard (USCG) and Department of Homeland Security Requirements.

D. 10 CFR, Parts 0-199; and Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968.

E. Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, as amended.

4. Specialized Committees and Responsibilities.

A. The USGS has the following bureau-level Specialized Safety Committees, each chaired by a Specialized Program Manager:

(1) Aviation Advisory Committee. Addresses aviation safety and related aviation issues at the Bureau level. Serves as an advisor to the Bureau DASHO through ad hoc membership on the Bureau OSH Council.

(2) Dive Safety Board. Advises the Bureau DASHO (through ad hoc membership on the Bureau OSH Council) to address underwater diving issues and review accidents related to underwater diving. Makes recommendations to prevent future accidents of a similar nature.

(3) Watercraft Safety Committee. Advises the Bureau DASHO (through ad hoc membership on the Bureau OSH Council) to address all watercraft issues and review all accidents related to watercraft. Makes recommendations to prevent future accidents of a similar nature.

(4) Firearms Safety Committee. Advises the Bureau DASHO (through ad hoc membership on the Bureau OSH Council) to address all firearms issues and review all accidents related to firearms. Makes recommendations to prevent future accidents of a similar nature.

(5) Radiation Safety Advisory Board. Advises the Bureau DASHO (through ad hoc membership on the Bureau OSH Council) to address all radiation issues and review all accidents related to radiation. Makes recommendations to prevent future accidents of a similar nature.

5. Membership.

A. Aviation Advisory Committee. Bureau Aviation Manager; Bureau OSHE Manager, or designee; and Regional Aviation Safety Managers/Advisors appointed by the Regional Director. The Regional Aviation Safety Managers/Advisors will have aviation knowledge and/or expertise and will serve as collateral duty personnel in assisting regional and field management in the coordination and implementation of the Office of Aviation Services (OAS) and USGS aviation safety program elements.

B. Dive Safety Board. The Bureau Dive Safety Officer; one Regional Dive Safety Officer in each region where diving is taking place; as many as three Field Dive Safety Officers from local science organizations within each respective region; and the Bureau OSHE Program Manager, or designee. The majority of members will be active scientific divers.

C. Watercraft Safety Committee. The Bureau Watercraft Safety Program Manager; the Bureau OSHE Program Manager, or designee; and regional representation of as many as two technical and one management representatives from each region. All technical representatives will have a DOI Motorboat Operators Instructors Course Certification (MOICC). The Committee may also include ad hoc members to address specific subjects, as needed.

D. Firearms Safety Committee. The Bureau Firearms Manager; Regional Firearms Managers, as appointed by the Regional Directors; technical firearms representatives with subject matter expertise to serve as ad hoc members; and the Bureau OSHE Program Manager. Additional membership and meeting requirements will be in accordance with the charter of the Firearms Safety Committee.

E. Radiation Safety Advisory Board. The Bureau Radiation Safety Advisory Board Manager; Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - designated Radiation Safety Officers from each location possessing an NRC site license for radiation operations; the Bureau OSHE Program Manager, or designee; the USGS Reactor Manager; and appointed members from any other operations involving ionizing radiation, as needed.

F. Specialized Safety Program Committee membership is further detailed in SM 308.66, Appendices A-E.

G. The Bureau OSHE Manager will provide oversight and administrative support to each Specialized Safety Program Committee and Chairperson.

H. Specialized Safety Program Committee members will have the appropriate authority to represent and speak on behalf of their respective areas of responsibility (e.g., region, discipline, or field) and make commitments on behalf of the functions or organizations they represent.

6. Specialized Program Committee Roles. Additional information on committee roles and responsibilities is found in USGS 445-2-H, Occupational Safety and Health Program Requirements Handbook.

7. Reporting. Bureau Specialized Safety Program Committees report to the Bureau DASHO through the Bureau OSH Council.

8. Meetings. Bureau Specialized Safety Program Committees will meet in accordance with their individual charters (Appendices A-E), with at least one face-to-face meeting per year, according to a published schedule prepared by the Chairperson.

9. Minutes. Minutes of each Bureau Specialized Safety Program Committee meeting will be recorded and distributed to all Committee members; the Bureau OSH and EMC Councils; and Regional Committees. The Chair will ensure that minutes are retained for a minimum of two years from the date of the meeting.

10. Working Groups. Bureau Specialized Safety Program Committees are authorized to establish work groups, as needed.

11. Salary, Travel, and Incidental Costs. Bureau Specialized Program Manager costs are borne by the Bureau Safety and Environmental Management Branch in the Office of Management Services, Office of Administrative Policy and Analysis. Regional OSHE Committee members' costs are borne by each participant's local or regional organization. Extraordinary expenses must be pre-approved by the appropriate authorized individual and be covered by a written agreement.

12. Termination Date. None.


Carol F. Aten
Chief, Office of Administrative Policy and Services

Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
Contact: APS, Office of Policy and Analysis
Issuing Office: Office of Management Services
Content Information Contact: Bill Miller,, 703-648-7552
Last modification: 20-Oct-2005@11:09 (kk)
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