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U.S. Geological Survey Manual

302.1 - Automatic Succession


OPR: Director's Office

1. Necessity for Continuous Performance. It is a principle of sound management that the duties of positions involving the exercise of direction and supervision should be performed on a continuous, uninterrupted basis. In the event of a vacancy in such a position or the absence of the incumbent, the duties of the position should be temporarily assumed by another individual serving in an acting capacity. Since absences and vacancies cannot always be anticipated, permanent arrangements should be made for automatic succession to positions of this nature (302 DM 1 Designation of Acting Officials).

2. Provisions for Automatic Succession. Provisions for automatic succession have been made for the Director and his/her staff (SM 302.2.1). The head of each division is responsible for ensuring that automatic succession is provided for all positions requiring such arrangement and that all provisions are in accordance with SM 302.1.4 and SM 302.1.5.

3. Temporary Provisions for Acting Officials. There may be occasions when provisions for automatic succession are or will be inadequate. When such a situation occurs or is anticipated, temporary arrangements should be made in a manner similar to that in which automatic succession is provided. Such documents should also specify insofar as possible the period covered; for example:

"In the absence of the (position title) from (month, day, year) through (month, day, year) or beginning (month, day) until his/her return," the (position title) will perform as Acting (position title). (302 DM 1 Designation of Acting Officials)

4. Standards. In making provisions for automatic succession, the following standards will be considered:

A. Designations should be made in writing and by such means as to make the information generally known and readily available.

B. The designation should be made or approved by the official who exercises supervision over the position concerned, or in the event this individual is not available, refer to appointing authorities defined in SM 205.1.

C. Generally designations should be by position title and not by name.

D. The number of designations for a given position should be sufficient to provide for multiple absences among those designated, if such absences occur frequently.

E. Selection should be based on the relationship of usual duties to those to be assumed, the qualifications of the officer or employee to serve in the acting capacity, and the training advantages in performing in an acting capacity.

5. Director's Clearance. Designations made by chiefs of divisions for succession to deputy, associate or assistant chief of division positions shall be cleared by the Director.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
Contact: APS, Office of Policy and Analysis
Last modification: 19-Jan-2005@12:49 (kk)
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