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U.S. Geological Survey

Special Geologic Studies Group Records Disposition Schedule


August 1, 2007

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey



The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), established in 1879, is the Nation's principal natural science and information agency. The USGS conducts research, monitoring, and assessments to contribute to understanding the natural world - America's lands, water, and biological resources. The USGS provides reliable, impartial information to the citizens of this country and the global community in the form of maps, data, and reports containing analyses and interpretations of water, energy, mineral and biological resources, land surfaces, marine environments, geologic structures, natural hazards, and dynamic processes of the Earth. USGS data and information are used daily by managers, planners, and citizens to understand, respond to, and plan for changes in our environment.

The USGS serves the nation by providing reliable scientific information to: describe and understand the Earth; minimize loss of life and property from natural disasters; manage water, biological, energy, and mineral resources; and enhance and protect our quality of life.

The USGS has five NARA approved records schedules in place and being maintained by the bureau. They are:

The attached schedule will cover the program and project records of the USGS' Special Geologic Studies Group (SGSG), which are mainly classified records, and are located in Reston, Virginia. The USGS General Records Disposition Schedule will continue to provide the SGSG with authorization for the disposition of their administrative records, such as financial, contract, and personnel records and other USGS bureau schedules will provide the SGSG with authorizations for other bureau scientific records, such as bureau level program planning records which fall outside of the SGSG mission records as described in this schedule.

The schedule authorizes the disposition of the record copy in any media (media neutral). Records designated for permanent retention must be transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in accordance with NARA standards at the time of transfer.


The SGSG provides leadership on issues of strategic and tactical importance to the Nation. The SGSG and its predecessor Military Geology organizations have provided information and expertise on all aspects of earth science to various agencies of the U.S. Government since 1942. The roles and responsibilities of the group have varied since its formation, reflecting a changing world and the changing areas of interest to the Government. Formed during the earlier days of World War II, the responsibilities of the group were focused on supporting the war effort, and included terrain analysis, soil trafficability, water supply, fuel and mineral resources, construction materials, and airfield siting. After the war, the focus shifted to strategic studies, Pacific and European field programs, Alaskan terrain and permafrost studies, an austere landing site program, and a nuclear test detection program. The nuclear test detection program continued into the 1980s and provided geotechnical support to seismic monitoring programs, and expert consultation to the various nuclear treaties under negotiation at that time. The SGSG has also investigated the geologic, geotechnical, and hydrologic environments at deep underground workings worldwide to provide geologic related information to various agencies to help in their understanding of the workings.


All of these records are located at the U.S. Geological Survey's Powell Building (National Center), in Reston, Virginia unless otherwise indicated. All classified records will be destroyed according to regulations governing the destruction of sensitive or classified materials, as appropriate, and in accordance with the records disposal authority as found in this schedule.

Item Number Description of Records Disposal Instructions
1800 Administrative Records. Records dealing with both the day-to-day and long-term operation of the Special Geological Studies Group (SGSG) (formerly the Military Geology Project). Includes primarily records involving other Federal agencies and their associations with SGSG, but also includes records generated for internal USGS purposes.
1800-01 Agreements. As a project that works entirely on a reimbursable basis, the SGSG enters into work agreements with various other Federal agencies. These administrative records constitute the Statements of Work (SOWs) as well as the funding documents stating levels of funds made available to the SGSG and authorizing charges against the funding agency. The number and identity of funding agencies have been variable throughout the history of the SGSG. Cutoff files at the expiration of the agreement. Destroy 30 years after the agreement expires.
1800-02 Security - Classification Guides. Most of the work undertaken by the SGSG for other Federal agencies is of a classified nature. On occasion, the sponsoring agency provides classification guidelines developed for a specific program, or it may provide generic guidelines tailored to the agency, and which the SGSG is required to follow. Cutoff at the end of the project. Destroy when superseded, obsolete, or no longer needed for reference
1800-03 Security - Declassification Letters. The SGSG has periodically received statements and instructions from owning agencies, concerning downgrading or declassification of their classified materials. These documents are either retained with the materials affected by them, or maintained with the other administrative records of the project files. Cutoff at the end of the project. Destroy 50 years after cutoff or when no longer needed for reference, whichever is later.

NOTE: For documentation purposes, it is suggested that all documents be retained indefinitely.

1800-04 Bibliography. A bibliographic record of work projects undertaken by the Military Geology Project (and its predecessors) from the beginning of the project to about the middle of the 1970s. Documents the work history, products, and various personnel involved with the project during this time. Exists in rough draft form only. PERMANENT. Cutoff periodically. If non-electronic, transfer record copy to NARA 30 years after issuance. Earlier transfer is authorized. If electronic, transfer record copy 5 years after file closure with any related documentation, as specified in 36 CFR 1228.270 or standards applicable at the time. Destroy USGS reference copy 50 years after cutoff or when no longer needed for reference, whichever is later.
1801 Project Records. Files reflect the history of each project. Includes, but not limited to, working notes, iterations of reports, maps, cross-sections, and technical information.
1801-01 Peaceful Nuclear Explosions (PNE) Records. The Soviet Union conducted a PNE program from 1965 to 1988. During this period, the Soviets detonated about 122 nuclear explosions off-site, i.e. at locations other than their established underground nuclear test sites, reportedly for purposes of the national economy. One of the main functions of the SGSG during this time was to collect, compile, and analyze data on the geology and geophysical aspects of these off-site tests, as input for nuclear treaty monitoring and verification purposes.

Material is compiled by the staff during the data research, collection, and analysis stages of a PNE site investigation. Files include, but are not limited to, textural data, tables, and maps, in various draft forms; working notes; reports including preliminary and more extensive unpublished reports; and other Federal agency information reports not formally published such as commentaries, and data evaluations or summaries. Also, files may include published or unpublished material from other organizations or agencies used as reference material. Draft material, not intended for publication.

Cutoff at the end of the project. Destroy 50 years after cutoff or when no longer needed for reference, whichever is later.
1801-02 Underground Nuclear Test (UNT) Records. Records dealing with foreign underground nuclear tests on established nuclear test sites and foreign testing programs. Most records deal with the Soviet Union as it was the most prolific foreign tester, but also include non-Soviet sites. Prior to the cessation of nuclear testing at the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, much of the work of the SGSG involved documenting the geologic and environmental conditions at established underground nuclear test sites for input to nuclear treaty monitoring and verification issues.

Material is compiled by the staff during the data research, collection, and analysis stages of an investigation into the geological, geophysical, or environmental aspects of an underground nuclear test site or program. Files include, but are not limited to, textural data, tables, and maps, in various draft forms; working notes; reports including preliminary and more extensive unpublished reports; and other Federal agency information reports not formally published such as commentaries, and data evaluations or summaries. Also, files may include published or unpublished material from other organizations or agencies used as reference material. Draft material, not intended for publication.

Cutoff at the end of the project. Destroy 50 years after cutoff or when no longer needed for reference, whichever is later.
1801-03 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Records. The SGSG's interest in the Soviet ICBM program spans the time during which the ICBM launch sites were constructed, to their dismantlement in the 1990's. The primary interest was in the geology at the launch sites and the use of the local geology in the construction process. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, and under various international nuclear weapons treaties, most of the ICBM launch areas in both the United States and the Former Soviet Union have been decommissioned and dismantled, and the weapons destroyed.

Material is compiled by the staff during the data research, collection, and analysis stages of an investigation into the geological, geophysical, or environmental aspects of an ICBM launch area, or program. Files include, but are not limited to, textural data, tables, and maps, in various draft forms; working notes; reports documenting the work in progress or the conclusions of a study, often for internal use or to informally update the sponsoring agency on the study. Reports are not intended for publications.

Cutoff at the end of the project. Destroy 50 years after cutoff or when no longer needed for reference, whichever is later.
1801-04 Mineral Resources Records. Records dealing with the mineral resources of a particular area of a country, or the resources of a country as a whole, or the distribution and availability or particular minerals in a particular country or worldwide.

Material is compiled by the staff during the data research, collection, and analysis stages of investigations into the distribution and availability of mineral resources, or exploration and development programs in a country. Files include, but are not limited to, textural data, tables, and maps, in various draft forms; working notes; reports documenting interim work or the conclusions of a study, often for internal use or to informally update the sponsoring agency on the study, and unpublished SGSG reports or records and unpublished and formal publications from other Federal agencies. Reports are not intended for publications.

Cutoff at the end of the project. Destroy 50 years after cutoff or when no longer needed for reference, whichever is later.
1801-05 Deep Geology Records. The SGSG has investigated the geologic, geotechnical, and hydrologic environments at deep underground workings worldwide. The purpose of the program is to provide geologic related information to various agencies to help in their understanding of the workings.

Material is compiled by the staff during the data research, collection, and analysis stages of investigations into the geotechnical characteristics of a site of interest, or relative programs. Files include, but are not limited to, textural data, tables, and maps, in various draft forms; working notes; reports documenting interim work or the conclusions of a study, often for internal use or to informally update the sponsoring agency on the study and are not intended for publication, and final reports which are not published by the agency but have limited distribution within the community of interest.

Cutoff at the end of the project. Destroy 50 years after cutoff or when no longer needed for reference, whichever is later.
1801-06 Hydrology Records. A program to study the hydrologic characteristics of rivers mostly in the former Soviet Union, their drainage basins, or segments of rivers which include construction of interest such as dam sites. SGSG holdings consist mostly of draft reports and some working notes.

Material is compiled by the staff during the data research, collection, and analysis stages of investigations into the characteristics or features of rivers, drainage areas, or sections of rivers of interest. Files include, but are not limited to, textural data, tables, and maps, in various draft forms; working notes; reports documenting interim work or the conclusions of a study, often for internal use or to informally update the sponsoring agency on the study. Reports are not intended for publications.

Cutoff at the end of the project. Destroy when no longer needed for reference
1802 Other Records.
1802-01 Map Records. Copies, both black and white and color, of both classified and unclassified maps from the office's collection of numerous published maps originating from other Federal agencies or foreign organizations which were used during research and data compilation for various programs undertaken by SGSG. Includes, but are not limited to, original maps, annotated and non-annotated, as well as copies of published maps. The maps may include geologic, hydrologic, topographic, and city plans. These records include only individual maps, not those included in reports or publications. Cutoff at the end of the project. Destroy when no longer needed for reference.

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