Volunteer Application

Print this application, fill it out, then mail it to the address
specified for the desired position.
1. Name (last, first, middle) 2. Age
3. Telephone (Area Code/Number) 4. Your Email 
5. Street Address (include apt. no., if any) 6. City, State, and Zip Code
7. Which general volunteer work categories are you most interested in? (Check all that apply.)
__ Archaeology
__ Botany
__ Campground host
__ Construction/maintenance
__ Computers
__ Fish/wildlife
__ Historical/preservation
__ Minerals/geology
__ Natural resources planning
__ Office/clerical
__ Pest/disease control
__ Range/livestock
__ Research/library
__ Soil/watershed
__ Timber/fire prevention
__ Trail/campground mtce.
__ Tour guide/interpretation
__ Visitor information
__ Other (specify) 
8. What qualifications/skills/experience/education do you have? (Check all that apply.)
__ Backpacking/camping
__ Biology
__ Boat operation
__ Carpentry 
__ Clerical/office machines
__ Computer programming
__ Drafting/graphics
__ Hand/power tools
__ Heavy equipment operation
__ Horses-care/riding
__ Landscaping/reforestation
__ Land surveying 
__ Livestock/ranching
__ Map reading 
__ Mountaineering
__ Photography 
__ Public speaking 
__ Research/librarian
__ Supervision
__ Have driver's license
__ Have first aid certificate
__ Can speak sign language
__ Teaching
__ Working with people
__ Writing/editing
__ Other (specify)
9. Based on items checked in items 7 and 8, what particular type of volunteer work would you like to do? (Please describe any specific qualifications, skills, experience, or education that apply.)


9. Have you volunteered before? ___ Yes  ___ No
If yes, please briefly describe your volunteer experience.
10. Would you like to supervise other volunteers? ___Yes  ___ No
11. What are some of your objectives for working as a volunteer? (Optional)


12. Please specify any physical limitations that may influence your volunteer work activities.


13a. Which months would you be available for volunteer work?
  ___ January
___ July
___ February
___ August
___ March
___ September
___ April
___ October
___ May
___ June
___ December
   b. How many hours per week would you be available for volunteer work? ____
    c. Which days of the week would you be available for volunteer work?
  ____ Monday ___  Tuesday ____ Wednesday ____ Thursday ____ Friday ____ Saturday ___  Sunday
14. Specify the forests or states where you would like to do volunteer work:


14a. Please indicate the Opportunity Number(s) which interest you (the number appearing at the beginning of the position’s description, as in 4S-01): 
15. Specify your lodging requirements:
      ___ I will furnish my own lodging (such as tent, camper, trailer; own, relative's, or friend's home).
      ___ I will require assistance in finding lodging.
16. If a volunteer assignment is not available at the locations specified in block 14, do you want your application forwarded to antoher forest seeking volunteers with your background/interest?  Yes ___   No ___
17. This space is provided for more detailed responses.  Please indicate the block numbers to which these responses reply:


Notice to Volunteer
Volunteers are not considered to be federal employees for any purposes other than tort claims and injury compensation.  Volunteer service is not creditable for leave accrual or any other benefit.  However, volunteer service is creditable work experience.
Privacy Act Statement
The following information is provided to comply with the Privacy Act (PL 93-59, 5 U.S.C. 301 and 7 CFR 260) which authorizes acceptance of the infromation requested on this form.  The data will be used to contact applicants and to interview, screen, and select them for volunteer assignments.  Furnishing this data is voluntary.
18. Signature 19. Date