Supporting our Troops and their Families
Troops & Families Leadership Service Providers Search

Lookup Installations & Directories of Services

This website allows you to find complete contact information on military installations worldwide.   MilitaryINSTALLATIONS provides details on installation programs and services; mapping data and driving directions; links to local community points of interest; and the ability to search the web for additional information on the installation itself or the surrounding area.   MilitaryINSTALLATIONS interfaces directly with Plan My Move through the "Installation Overview" or "Read More Information" hyperlinks displayed next to each contact on the search results page.

Plan My Move provides comprehensive information on installations around the world; photos of those installations and the surrounding areas; planning calendars designed specifically for military Permanent Change of Station moves; and a list of the major units at each installation.

Program or Service
Branch of Service/Agency Helpful Tip

Enter an Installation, select a Country or State, click a state on the map, or simply enter your postal code below.

Installation / Agency Lookup Helpful Tip



Postal Code
Helpful Tip
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Mapping data issues should be reported to NAVTEQ through the NAVTEQ Map Reporter.
Incorrectly placed Installations should be reported through the Feedback link.
For Installation/Contact directory questions contact the Webmaster.
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Build date: 20090510-2315
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