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Field Trip Destinations
• South
• Ape Cave Area
• Lahar Viewpoint
• Lava Canyon
• Stratigraphy Viewpoint
• Trail Of Two Forests
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• Coldwater Lake Rec Area
• Hummocks Trail
• Johnston Ridge
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Online Library
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• Eruption History
• Pre Eruption Activity
• Eruption: May 18, 1980
• Post Eruption Activity
• Life Returns...

Web Site Overview

Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument was established, in part, to promote environmental

and science education.Each year, over 10,000 students travel to Mount St. Helens to see the

dramatic effects of the 1980 volcanic eruption, and how plants and animals have responded.


Key Links to Information Resources for Students and Teachers

1980 Eruption Geological Events

1980 Eruption Images

Post-1980 Eruptive Activity

2004-2008 Dome Building Eruption

2004 to 2008 Eruption Images

FAQs about the 1980 Eruption Impacts and Return of Life

Repeat Images of Eruption Impacts and Return of Life

Bibliography of Published Biological Research

Full Color Visitor Guide to Mount St. Helens (Volcano Review)

Guided Climbs & Field Classes offered by Mount St. Helens Institute

Visit the Volcano

Most groups travel to the Johnston Ridge Observatory

on Washington State Route 504. 

Other schools visit attractions on the Monument's South and East sides including the Lahar Viewpoint, Ape Cave, the Trail of Two Forests, and Windy Ridge. All of these areas offer different educational opportunities and experiences.


New: Take a 360 degree flight around Mount St. Helens.  Click on the image below to play the video clips.

Photo image with video play button

Students listening to a Ranger at Coldwater Ridge Visitor Center

We welcome your comments and suggestions.

Your comments about our educational opportunities, your planned visit

and this web site are important to us.

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