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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Internet Enforcement Program

About the Office of Internet Enforcement

The Office of Internet Enforcement (OIE), formed in July 1998, administers the Enforcement Division's Internet program and handles the triage and investigation of enforcement-related leads generated from investor tips received in the SEC Complaint Center. The Internet has brought significant benefits to investors; most notably, instantaneous access for investors to the SEC, via the SEC's Complaint Center. In general, OIE:

  • undertakes formal and informal investigations and initiates SEC prosecutions based on leads culled from the SEC's Complaint Center;
  • performs surveillance for potential Internet securities-related fraud which includes review of public complaints;
  • formulates investigative procedures;
  • provides strategic and legal guidance to Enforcement staff nationwide;
  • organizes and maintains the OIE Computer Lab specifically to aid in the surveillance of the Internet for potential securities fraud and to assist in Internet-related securities fraud investigations;
  • acts as a clearinghouse and repository for Internet-related legal and technical policy and developments;
  • acts as a resource, information source, referral source internally within the SEC and externally, to other government agencies and SROs; and
  • organizes and presents seminars, training classes, and speeches within the SEC and to other agencies.

If you wish to report any incident of securities fraud, you may reach OIE directly at enforcement@sec.gov.

  * 2008 Cybersecurities Fraud Symposium

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Modified: 09/12/2008