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Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge Celebrates Earth Day with the Introduction of a New Electric Powered Utility Vehicle
Northeast Region, April 22, 2009
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Greening the Great Swamp
Greening the Great Swamp

Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge staff celebrated Earth Day with the introduction of the refuge's new electric powered utility vehicle.  In an effort to reduce emissions and reliance on full size vehicles, the refuge recently purchased the electric vehicle to serve as a people transport on refuge roads, and another bio-diesel compatible utility vehicle as a stand in for a pick-up truck.  Mike Horne, refuge watershed biologist, and Dave Miller, refuge engineering equipment operator, spearheaded the research and ultimate acquisition of these vehicles.  Refuge staff will evaluate both vehicles during normal field use, identify new technologies that emerge in this regard, and evaluate the efficacy of this approach in the coming months.

Contact Info: Michael Horne, (973) 425 1222,

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