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Service Biologist Chairs Meeting of Lake Michigan Creel Workgroup
Midwest Region, February 15, 2009
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The Lake Michigan recreational fishery creel database was initiated back in 1995 to enable lakewide estimates of recreational fishery catch, harvest, and fishing effort.  Estimates are derived from standardized creel survey data which are annually provided by the creel working group members in Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin.  Over the last few years, issues related to data standardization and outdated software have been encountered and the lakewide creel database had not been kept current in all areas of Lake Michigan.  Dale Hanson, a biologist at the Green Bay NFWCO and chair of the Lake Michigan creel group, recently met with creel representatives from each state and facilitated discussions centered on getting the lakewide creel data current again.  The creel members from each state have done an excellent job and the updated database will be available soon.               

Contact Info: Dale Hanson, 920-866-1765,

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