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Volunteers and Friends Make a Difference
Northeast Region, October 25, 2008
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Groundbreaking for E.B. Forsythe's new Visitor Contact Station
Groundbreaking for E.B. Forsythe's new Visitor Contact Station
Picking up the Pieces
Photographer: Dennis Loughlin
Picking up the Pieces Photographer: Dennis Loughlin

Make a Difference Day was kicked off with a groundbreaking for the new visitor contact center at what U.S. Representative Frank LoBiondo called "one of our crown jewels in South Jersey."


Over 250 community-minded volunteers turned out on a rainy morning to clean up the E.B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge's 8-mile Wildlife Drive.  School and church groups, Boy and Girl Scouts, neighbors, Friends, and members of several community organizations throughout the county walked the trails picking up waste and sorting it into trash and recycling bags.  A total of over 5 tons was removed by the end of the day.  The collaborative effort not only benefited the environment, but also served as a valuable lesson on the dangers of pollution.  The project was jointly sponsored by the Refuge, Galloway Township and NJ's WaterWatch program at Richard Stockton College.

Contact Info: Sandy Perchetti, 609-748-1535,

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