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STONE LAKES NWR: Boulder Bench Remembers Refuge Volunteer
California-Nevada Offices , April 4, 2008
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Memorial plaque to refuge volunteer Shiro George Takemoto at Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge.  photo: A. Hopperstad
Memorial plaque to refuge volunteer Shiro George Takemoto at Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. photo: A. Hopperstad
Refuge staff, Bruce Hall and Jim Kerruish, install volunteer memorial bench at Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge.  photo: A. Hopperstad
Refuge staff, Bruce Hall and Jim Kerruish, install volunteer memorial bench at Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. photo: A. Hopperstad
Surviving widow, Margaret Takemoto, and Assistant Project Leader, Beatrix Treiterer, with memorial bench to late volunteer Shiro George Takemoto.  photo: A. Hopperstad
Surviving widow, Margaret Takemoto, and Assistant Project Leader, Beatrix Treiterer, with memorial bench to late volunteer Shiro George Takemoto. photo: A. Hopperstad

by Amy Hopperstad, Stone Lakes NWR

Last October the Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge lost one of its long time volunteers due to illness at the age of 79.  Shiro George Takemoto had volunteered with the refuge for many years in his retirement, helping with public use programs such as guided tours, children’s activities, and our annual event,  Walk on the Wildside.  In memory of his love for the refuge and wildlife, his surviving widow, Margaret Takemoto, donated a memorial ‘boulder’ bench in his honor for the new public use area project Blue Heron Trails.  Earlier this spring with the help of refuge staff, this concrete reinforced fiberglass bench was placed on an island overlooking a newly created wetland and habitat for all to enjoy.  The National Wildlife Refuge System will miss Shiro’s devotion and with this generous donation his memory will bring years of enjoyment for future resource stewards.

Contact Info: Amy Hopperstad, (916) 775-4421,

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