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Asian Carp Information Provided at Michigan Environmental Health Association’s Annual Education Conference
Midwest Region, March 13, 2008
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Alpena NFWCO provided information about Asian Carp
at the Michigan Environmental Health Association’s
Education Conference held in Bay City, Michigan during
March. Image credit: Anjanette Bowen, USFWS.
Alpena NFWCO provided information about Asian Carp at the Michigan Environmental Health Association’s Education Conference held in Bay City, Michigan during March. Image credit: Anjanette Bowen, USFWS.

Alpena National Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office (Alpena NFWCO) Biologist Anjanette Bowen provided information on Asian carp at the Michigan Environmental Health Association's Annual Education Conference held March 11-14 in Bay City, Mich. The focus of her presentation was to educate the environmental health community about Asian carp and the concerns associated with their spread within the United States, and potential spread into the Great Lakes.

Asian carp refers to four species of non-native carp (bighead carp, silver carp, black carp, and grass carp) that have become established and are spreading within the Mississippi River and its tributaries. Asian carp may reduce the diversity of native species and be hazardous to water users. There is also growing concern that Asian carp may spread into the Great Lakes.

Approximately 20 people attended the PowerPoint presentation which included topics on the identifying characteristics of Asian carp, their current distribution, and concerns associated with their increase in numbers and spread to new areas. Efforts to slow the spread of Asian carp into the Great Lakes via the Chicago Dispersal Barrier Project were discussed. Bowen also provided information on what the public can do to prevent the spread of Asian carp and other invasive species.

At the end of the presentation, a short DVD was played that detailed the jumping behaviors and problems associated with Asian carp. The DVD, titled "Nuisance Fish," is an outreach tool that was recorded in partnership with Bill Dance, the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It is available for viewing from the Asian Carp Management website at the following web address:

The Michigan Environmental Health Association (MEHA) is a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to the improvement of health through management of the environment. It consists of over 750 professionals throughout the State of Michigan. For more information about the Michigan Environmental Health Association visit their website at

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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