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Watery Phoenix Rises from the Ashes of Desert Fire
Southwest Region, May 12, 2008
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The New Marcial Langemann at the Bosque del Apache NWR. Photo: Bertand/FWS
The New Marcial Langemann at the Bosque del Apache NWR. Photo: Bertand/FWS
Water starts its journey from the new the Marcial Langemann and heads toward  rehabilitated seasonal wetlands and riparian forest community along the Rio Grande' River. Photo: Bertrand/FWS
Water starts its journey from the new the Marcial Langemann and heads toward rehabilitated seasonal wetlands and riparian forest community along the Rio Grande' River. Photo: Bertrand/FWS

 On Monday, May 12, Bosque del Apache National wildlife Refuge Engineering Equipment Operator Carl A. Tafoya turned the screw-gate upstream of the refuge’s new Marcial Langemann, diverting water from the Refuge’s Interior Drain to approximately 300 acres of planned seasonal wetland and riparian forest habitat. Work began on the Langemann in September 2007, as part of Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation or BAER funding received for the Marcial Fire, which swept through the refuge in May 2006, burning over 800 acres. The Marcial Langemann was installed by refuge staff and volunteers in 39 days. Approximately 630 volunteer work hours, 42 yards of concrete, and over 300 pieces of No. 5 rebar went into its construction. The Marcial Langmann will play an important role in the eventual rehabilitation of the entire burned area by diverting much needed water into an area. The refuge is creating conditions in the burned area, which was formerly dominated by non-native salt cedar, conducive to the proliferation of the seasonal wetlands and riparian forests that once flourished throughout the Middle Rio Grande’ Valley.

Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599,

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