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Muleshoe Grulla NWRs October 2007 Staff Notes Accomplishments
Southwest Region, October 31, 2007
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----Texas Section Society of Range Management members attending awards luncheon.  Photographer Ed Locke on October 11, 2007.
----Texas Section Society of Range Management members attending awards luncheon. Photographer Ed Locke on October 11, 2007.


The Texas Section of the Society of Range Management held a field day on the refuge as part of their three day annual meeting.  There were 300 in attendance.  Two plant identification contests were conducted, one for college rangeland students and the other for members.  A catered chuckwagon lunch was provided and several speakers were on the program.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Regional Migratory Gamebird Specialist Dave Haukos made opening remarks and introduced the speakers:  Harold Beierman, Refuge Manager welcomed the attendees and gave a history and overview of the refuge, Buffalo Lake Refuge Manager Lynn Nymeyer discussed grazing management practices on various national wildlife refuges and Refuge Biologist Jude Smith discussed prescribed burning and grazing management practices on the Muleshoe Refuge.  Keynote speaker was Professor David Wester of Texas Tech University who gave a history of the grasslands of the Southern High Plains.  Several student awards were presented and an award was given to the Bradley 3 ranch for excellence in land stewardship activities.

Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599,

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