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Long Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex’s Beaches and Birds
Northeast Region, August 30, 2007
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The last least tern chick at the Long Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex (LINWRC) took to flight in mid-August, concluding the refuge complex's 2007 beach nesting bird breeding season.  Two LINWRC units, the Elizabeth A. Morton National Wildlife Refuge and Amagansett National Wildlife Refuge supported both piping plover, a federally threatened species, and least tern, a state threatened species, nesting populations.  Management efforts included beach closures, erecting predator exclosure fences around nests and daily monitoring from LINWRC staff and volunteers. 

Although both refuge's have a limited amount of suitable nesting habitat, the birds took full advantage of the area's resources.  Eight piping plover pairs produced and successfully reared 13 chicks, exceeding the goal for the season.  Thirty-nine least tern pairs produced 42 fledglings.  With increasing pressure from development and recreational use on Long Island's beaches, the LINWRC is vitally important to the success of these birds in New York.     

Contact Info: Jennifer Lapis, (413) 253-8303,

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