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New Mexico Ecological Services Participates in a Workshop to Implement the New Mexico Forest and Watershed Health Plan, October 4, 2006
Southwest Region, October 4, 2006
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On October 4, 2006, the New Mexico Ecological Services Field Office participated in a workshop to implement the "New Mexico Forest and Watershed Health Plan."  The Plan contains 20 recommendations that is a call for action that will transform the way ecological restoration is accomplished in New Mexico, strengthening on-the-ground efforts and eliminating unnecessary barriers to this work.  The group identified specific measures to accomplish ecological restoration.  Break out groups were formed and then reunited to develop measures that would achieve restoration in an efficient manner with all concerned.  Senator Jeff Bingaman presented words of encouragement and approval to the group.

The Plan was needed because many of New Mexico's ecosystems are in an unhealthy state, as demonstrated by overly-dense woody vegetation, degradation of biodiversity, and fragmentation and deterioration of wildlife habitat.  The Planning Committee developed this Plan beginning in 2003, and developed a landscape approach with three guiding principles that address ecological, socio-cultural, and economic issues.  Governor Bill Richardson approved the document March 2005.  The New Mexico Forestry Division lead the process for this Plan, but the New Mexico Forest and Watershed Health Planning Committee developed it.  Other signatories to the Plan included - US Forest Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Pueblo of Laguna, Bandelier National Monument, NM State Land Office, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Western Governor's Association, NM Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department, Bureau of Land Management, and Natural Resources Conservation Service. 

Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599,

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