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4H Conservation Tour Held at Jordan River National Fish Hatchery
Midwest Region, September 20, 2006
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John Johnston, Jordan River NFH, teaches students how to calculate the number of fish in a pound,  at the recent 4H Conservation Tour. 
- FWS photo
John Johnston, Jordan River NFH, teaches students how to calculate the number of fish in a pound,  at the recent 4H Conservation Tour. - FWS photo

Michigan State University Extension 4H and the Antrim County Soil Conservation District co-sponsored the “2006 Conservation Tour”. 

This year it was held at the Jordan River National Fish Hatchery, Michigan, and more than 300 fifth and sixth grade students from Antrim County attended.   The students rotated between stations that were set up on the hatchery grounds. 

Many volunteers and partners were involved in addition to hatchery staff, including: Michigan DEQ, Antrim Soil Conservation District, Michigan DNR Michigan Visitor Center, See North (non profit conservation organization), Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council, and MSU Extension. Jordan River Staff included Project Leader, Rick Westerhof, Fish Biologists, John Johnston, Wayne Talo and Tim Smigielski.  Volunteers with Americorps and the hatchery Dan Sutherland, and Andy Pavelek rounded out the crew.

 The students learned about the importance of our watersheds and the need for high quality water for trout culture.  The kid’s collected aquatic insects in the Jordan River, identified them and learned the significance of their distribution and abundance to the ecosystem.  Talo nad Johnston provided a demonstration on sample counting, cleaning ponds and general fish culture.

Stan Moore, from MSU Extension, and Westerhof, presented the key messages of sea lamprey and lake trout restoration, followed by an explanation of fish distribution and a tour of the tank room.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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