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Midwest Region, April 9, 2006
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Nikolas Grueneis and Clark Bartelt distributing information at the Trout Unlimited Auction April 8, 2006. 
- USFWS Photo
Nikolas Grueneis and Clark Bartelt distributing information at the Trout Unlimited Auction April 8, 2006.

- USFWS Photo

Iron River NFH staff attended the Trout Unlimited Fishing Expo in Ashland, WI for the fourth year in a row, April 8, 2006. The Wild Rivers Chapter of Trout Unlimited annual event raisea awareness about local and national fisheries and environmental issues.


The event includes an auction to raise funds to support projects such as stream habitat restoration and environmental education programs.


The Iron River NFH is an annual participant along with other state, federal, nonprofit, private agencies, and groups. Participants provide information, entertainment, and educational materials to all attendees.


Hatchery staff set up a booth with information about the federal hatchery system, national fisheries issues, stocking information, and employment opportunities with the Fish and Wildlife Service.  The biggest draw to the booth every year is the live fish display. Two aquariums were set up: one with fry and one with yearlings. Additionally, adult brood fish were anesthetized and placed out on damp towels for people to handle and see. Two hatchery personnel were on hand to answer questions and dispense information.


Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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