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North Carolina to have educational kiosks to generate public support for red wolf recovery
Southeast Region, May 1, 2005
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Defenders of Wildlife, a non-profit organization assisting Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge with its red wolf recovery program, plans to build a series of educational kiosks to generate public support for red wolf recovery and to stimulate regional economic growth through the promotion of red wolf ecotourism. Funding for these projects has come from grant funding from the Alex C. Walker Foundation. Four kiosks will be constructed in North Carolina at the Outer Banks Visitor Center, Manteo; the Plymouth rest area, at Goose Creek State Park,Washington, and in front of the Visitor Center in Columbia. Red wolf wildlife biologist, Michael Morse, has, in addition, obtained mounts of a red wolf, gray wolf and coyote for temporary display at the Outer Banks Visitor Center. The Red Wolf Coalition and Defenders of Wildlife have developed interpretive signage to explain differences between these canids.

Contributed by: Diane L. Hendry, Outreach Coordinator, Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge, Manteo, NC

No contact information available. Please contact Charles Traxler, 612-713-5313,

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