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The Fastest Clippers in the U.P.
Midwest Region, April 11, 2005
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This year's finclipping season at Pendills Creek National Fish Hatchery came to a close on April 11 after only 20 ½ days, making it the most productive one in many years. The nine finclippers, which includes three new hires, clipped approximately 821,000 left ventral fins from the yearling lake trout. That averages out to about 8,064 fish fins per person per work day.

This is also the favored time of year for the local head start programs to bring in their students for an ?up close and personal? look at the fish. This year, three classes from nearby Kinross stopped in for a visit.

The nine finclippers are hired from the local community to come in once a year for these several weeks. The only duty they perform is clipping fins. However, any one of these individuals can be called in to work throughout the year if the staff gets in a pinch. This year's distribution season will probably be one of those times, with one staff member short.

Every year before distribution, all yearling lake trout from the hatcheries are given a fin clip so that they may be distinguished between those occurring naturally in the Great Lakes. The lake wide clip is different every year.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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