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Fossil Creek Stock Tank Renovation
Southwest Region, March 29, 2005
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The AESO and AZFRO Flagstaff Offices completed renovation of five stock tanks that drain into Fossil Creek as a part of the Fossil Creek Native Fish Restoration Project. The renovation included removal of non-native fish using the piscicide rotenone and was a cooperative effort between the Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Bureau of Reclamation, Forest Service, and the livestock permittees. The project was funded through the Central Arizona Project Fund. The removal of the non-native fish from these stock tanks will benefit Fossil Creek by removing a source of contamination and will provide habitat for the threatened Chiricahua leopard frog. Three of the five stock tanks were previously occupied by Chiricahua leopard frogs, but due to predation from green sunfish, the frogs were unable to survive at these tanks. Following monitoring to determine our effectiveness, we intend to work with the Forest Service, Arizona Game and Fish Department, and the livestock permittees to re-establish Chirichaua leopard frogs at two of the stock tanks. Unfortunately, the other three stock tanks contain non-native crayfish, which will preclude us from establishing frogs at these sites.

Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599,

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