Dual Fares Fact Sheet

In many city pairs, there are two contract fares, also known as Dual Fares: a highly discounted unrestricted fare (YCA), and a capacity controlled fare (_CA) with an even deeper discount. _CA fares have a limited number of seats, but no other restrictions. _CA seat availability on a particular flight varies carrier-by-carrier and market-by-market.

The _CA airfares allow an agency to save the most money possible, while still enjoying the same top quality service available with YCA fares. Use of the _CA fares is encouraged by the Federal Travel Regulation (Note 3 to 301-10.107).

To maximize possible savings, book early and consider the following:

  • To achieve greater savings for the government, GSA encourages government travelers to book reservations as early as possible. Once a traveler decides that a trip is necessary, the reservation should be made.
  • If travel plans are uncertain (e.g., last-minute ticket changes are likely), compare the differential between the YCA and _CA fares with the cost (if any) of the travel agent’s transaction fee to make ticketing changes. If the differential is small, it may be more cost-effective to book a YCA fare from the start. If the differential is large, it may be more beneficial to book a _CA fare and make changes, if necessary.
  • If travel plans are certain (e.g., attending a conference or training) or the travel schedule is flexible, then this is a perfect opportunity to get additional savings by asking for and booking a _CA fare. The price differential between YCA and _CA fares varies market-by-market, but can be significant.

The earlier the reservation is made, the greater the chances that an agency will receive the additional savings _CA fares contain. Remember, with the _CA fares a traveler may enjoy all the benefits of the unrestricted YCA fares.

Last Reviewed 4/28/2009