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Social Security Online
Office of the Inspector General
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Organization - Text Version

Patrick P. O'Carroll, Jr.: Inspector General

James A. Kissko: Deputy Inspector General

Executive Officer: Tracy B. Lynge

Steven L. Schaeffer: Assistant Inspector General for the Office of Audit


Gale S. Stone: Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Financial Systems and Operations Audits

Rona Lawson: Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Program Audits and Evaluations

Jonathan Lasher: Counsel to the Inspector General for the Office of Counsel to the Inspector General


Vacant: Deputy Counsel for the Office of Counsel to the Inspector General

Wade Walters: Office of External Relations - Assistant Inspector General

George E. Penn: Deputy Assistant Inspector General

Richard A. Rohde: Office of Investigations - Assistant Inspector General

Dennis F. Lynch: Deputy Assistant Inspector General for National Investigative Operations

Steve Mason: Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Field Operations

Michael D. Robinson: Assistant Inspector General for the Office of Technology and Resource Management

Vacant: Deputy Assistant Inspector General for the Office of Technology and Resource Managment Portal to U.S. government agencies Privacy Policy | Website Policies & Other Important Information | Site Map
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  Last reviewed or modified Wednesday May 06, 2009