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U.S. National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute
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Spirituality in Cancer Care (PDQ®)     
Last Modified: 04/30/2009
Health Professional Version
Additional Resources

Web sites:

  • University of Florida Center for Spirituality and Health. Conducts courses, research projects, and programs that focus on the interface between religious traditions, spirituality, and health.
  • George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health (GWish). Focuses on medical education in the area of religion, spirituality, and medicine.
  • Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine (BHI) at Massachusetts General Hospital. Provides outpatient medical services, training for health professionals, corporate and school-based programs, women's health services, and affiliation for national and international health care systems.
  • Duke University Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health. Conducts interdisciplinary research, scholarship, and education on spirituality, theology, and health.

These reference citations are included for informational purposes only. Their inclusion should not be viewed as an endorsement of the content of the Web sites by the PDQ Cancer Supportive Care Editorial Board or the National Cancer Institute.