"Table 5-5 Recreational Boating Accidents by Body of Water, 2006",,, ,Accidents,Fatalities, Ocean/Gulf ,315,44, Great Lakes (not tributaries) ,82,17, "Bays, inlets, sounds, harbors ",729,64, "Rivers, streams, creeks ","1,160",221, "Lakes, ponds, reservoirs, dams, gravel pits ","2,478",326, Other/Not reported ,203,38, Totals ,"4,967",710, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Coast Guard, Boating Statistics, 2006; available at: http://www.uscgboating.org as of Mar. 24, 2008.",,, "• Calm water conditions, light and moderate winds, good daytime visibility, and water temperature between 70 and 89 degrees are the weather and water conditions tied to the highest number of accidents.",,, • Approximately 63% of recreational boating fatalities occur in the daytime in good visibility.,,,