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National Streamflow Information Program (NSIP)

Streamgages that would make up the NSIP backcone streamgaging network and would receive full federal funding with complete NSIP implementation.
Click on a State below to see State map.

Active USGS Streamgage
Partial Record USGS Streamgages
Active Other Agency Streamgage in the NSIP Network
Inactive Streamgage in the NSIP Network
Proposed New Streamgage in NSIP Network

Active=2918Partial Record=292Inactive=944Other Agency=170New/Proposed=421Total Sites=4745
Water Quality=145Compact/Border=580Key River Basin=445Sentinel Watershed=869Forecast=3620

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Other National NSIP Streamgage Maps
NSIP Water Quality Streamgage Map
NSIP Compact/Border Streamgage Map
NSIP Key River Basin Streamgage Map
NSIP Sentinel Watershed Goal Streamgage Map
NSIP Forecast Streamgage Map
Current Active & Partial Record USGS Streamgage Map


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