Cold Regions Bibliography Project: Your Access to the Most Comprehensive Bibliography of Cold Regions

Another information service of the American Geological Institute

 Recent Highlights

Antarctic Bibliography

Bibliography on Cold Regions Science and Technology

View the May Antarctic Alert which highlights bibliographic citations recently added to the Antarctic Bibliography database.

View the most recent Cold Regions Alert highlighting current literature from the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory's Virtual Library.

International Polar Year 2007-2008 Publications

View International Polar Year 2007-2008 publications added to the Bibliography on Cold Regions Science and Technology and the Antarctic Bibliography that are based on International Polar Year 2007-2008 projects, or view all IPY 2007-2008 publications by visiting the International Polar Year Publications Database.

Document Delivery Services

Documents cited in the Antarctic Alert, the Cold Regions Alert and the International Polar Year 2007-2008 Publications list can be ordered online through AGI's GeoRef Document Delivery Service or by calling (703)379-2480, extension 234.

 Other News and Highlights

International Polar Year Publications Database

The International Polar Year Publications Database (IPYPD) is now available.

The IPYPD will attempt to identify and describe all publications that result from, or are about, the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008 and the three previous IPYs. The IPYPD currently describes 60 publications. This number is expected to grow to approximately 20,000 publications ten years from now.

The IPYPD will be updated four times per year. The records in the IPYPD contain citations, detailed subject and geographic indexing terms, abstracts, and, in most cases, links to the online full text of the publications.

The IPYPD has been created by the Arctic Science and Technology Information System (ASTIS), the Cold Regions Bibliography Project (CRBP), the Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI) Library, the Discovery and Access of Historic Literature of the IPYs (DAHLI) project and National Information Services Corporation (NISC). Other polar bibliographic databases and libraries are welcome to contribute.

For additional details, please see the "About" tab on the IPYPD website.

Cold Regions Calendar of Events Updated

The updated Cold Regions Calendar of Events now lists upcoming symposia through 2011.
Please contact us if you would like to submit a meeting announcement.

Database Update

As of February 2009, the Antarctic Bibliography contains over 84,800 references and the Bibliography on Cold Regions Science and Technology has surpassed 227,300 references.

Submit Your Papers to the Bibliography!

To help ensure comprehensive coverage in the Antarctic and Cold Regions databases, AGI encourages authors and meeting organizers to notify us of relevant publications.

—> How to submit publications

 About the Cold Regions Bibliography Project

The American Geological Institute (AGI) is continuing the Antarctic Bibliography and the Bibliography on Cold Regions Science and Technology as part of the Cold Regions Bibliography Project. These bibliographies provide coverage of

- Antarctic research and exploration
- Cold Regions engineering and physical science information

AGI compiles the Cold Regions Bibliography based on sources provided by U.S. and overseas scientists, the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and libraries and polar and research institutions worldwide.

In addition, through a cooperative agreement with AGI, the Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI) provides information on the Antarctic materials housed in the SPRI library at the University of Cambridge.

The Cold Regions Bibliography Project is supported by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory under NSF Grant No. OPP-0440772.
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