"Table 1-2 Top 25 North American Cruises by Departure Port, 2003–2006",,,,, Port/State,2003,2004,2005,2006, Miami,738,641,656,705, Fort Lauderdale,593,637,618,534, Port Canaveral,450,466,455,525, Galveston,203,208,222,248, Los Angeles,229,193,263,245, New York,236,253,171,231, San Juan,258,322,264,230, Tampa,216,198,192,222, "Vancouver, CA",269,241,238,220, Seattle,79,135,151,187, Long Beach,70,166,150,157, Honolulu,80,90,121,155, San Diego,65,104,133,94, Jacksonville,5,65,83,77, Mobile,0,18,52,60, Cape Liberty,0,0,59,53, Whittier,0,42,51,52, San Francisco,51,54,54,50, Seward,90,53,44,42, Boston,43,47,49,39, St. Thomas,75,57,43,38, Philadelphia,16,22,34,35, New Orleans,143,178,121,34, Houston,8,55,56,31, Charleston,17,24,25,29, Total Top 25,"3,934","4,269","4,305","4,293", Top 25% of Total,96.1%,95.6%,96.5%,96.8%, Total,"4,094","4,465","4,463","4,435", "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration, North American Cruises, available at www.marad.dot.gov/marad statistics as of 4th quarter 2006. ",,,,, "• Since 2003, Miami has maintained its number one rank among all North American cruise departure ports. The top 25 cruise departure ports have accounted for at least 96% of all North American cruise departures over the last 4 years. ",,,,, "• The Port of New Orleans had 72% less cruise departures from 2005 to 2006. Over the same period, 45% fewer cruises departed from the Port of Houston. ",,,,