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National Streamflow Information Program (NSIP)

Definition of an Active Continuous Streamgage

An active continuous streamgage should be one in which a mean daily discharge is computed or estimated and quality assured for every day of a water year or a complete set of unit values are computed or estimated and quality assured for every day of a water year.

Stations that by design are not operated to provide a complete dataset of mean daily discharges or unit values should be considered active partial record streamgages or active seasonal streamgages.

Seasonal streamgages are those that are operated and the data is quality assured for a defined period of the water year (i.e. a streamgage which is only operated during irrigation allotment season).

Partial record streamgages are those operated and quality assured for given flow regimes such as high flow, peak flow, low flow, etc. The period (or date) of the quality assured flow value(s) is variable from one year to another. These streamgages should include crest stage gages and low flow correlation sites.



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