House Creek, West Malheur and Wolf Mountain Allotments

Final Environmental Assessment

Project Proposal

Malheur National Forest

Emigrant Ranger District

The following documents are in PDF format with file size in parentheses. Get Acrobat Reader

Decision Notice - (550kb)

Comment Analysis - (450kb)

Cover Letter - (389kb)

Cover Sheet, Table of Contents and Summary - (153kb)

Chapter 1 - Introduction - (548kb)

Chapter 2 - Alternatives - (460kb)

Chapter 3 - Environmental Consequences

Chapter 4 -Acroynms, Glossary, List of Preparers, Distribution List and Literature Cited - (345kb)

Appendix A - Range Monitoring Guidelines - (136kb)

Appendix B - Riparian Monitoring Strategy - (446kb)

Appendix C - Past, Present and Future Activities in the Cumulative Effects Area - (222kb)

Appendix D - Post-Fire Grazing Interim Guidelines - (87kb)

Appendix E - Range Improvements - (127kb)

Appendix F - Plant Biological Evaluation - (277kb)

Appendix G - Aquatic Biological Evaluation - (206kb)

Appendix H - Wildlife Biological Evaluation - (724kb)

Appendix I - Proper Functioning Condition Surveys - (242kb)

Appendix J - PACFISH Enclosure B - (96kb)

Appendix K - Recreational Fisheries - (66kb)


House Creek Allotment Existing Condition - (388kb)

House Creek Allotment Proposed Action - (223kb)

West Malheur Allotment Existing Condition - (1.03MB)

West Malheur Allotment Proposed Action - (632kb)

Wolf Mountain Allotment Existing Condition - (1.20MB)

Wolf Mountain Allotment Proposed Action - (798kb)