Federal Aviation Administration

FAA Notice JO 7930.88 - Notice to Airman (NOTAM) for Scheduled Activity Affecting Special Use Airspace (SUA) Limited to Military Operations Areas (MOA), Alert Areas and Warning Areas, Containing NOTAM Provision in Times of Use Description, Outside of Published Times or NOTAM Only.

Document Information

Updated: 2:24 pm ET January 14, 2009

  • Number:
    JO 7930.88
  • Type:
  • Responsible Office:
  • Access Restriction:
  • Issue Date:
    June 05, 2008
  • Review Date:
    June 04, 2009


Related Orders

Number Title OPR Issue Date
JO 7930.2M Notices to Airmen (NOTAM) AJR-33 09/25/2008

For more information, contact 9-AWA-AIO-Directives@faa.gov.

2:24 pm ET January 14, 2009