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Latest Earthquakes & Realtime Info

for Southern California

California-Nevada Map

CA/NV Real-time Earthquake Maps
Real-time maps and lists of information for the most recent earthquakes recorded by U.S. and global seismographic networks.

Southern California Earthquake List (text only)


Real-time Shaking Maps
ShakeMap / Did You Feel It?

ShakeMap - Real-time maps that show the measured amount of shaking from the seismic instruments in southern California for significant earthquakes.

Did You Feel It? - If you felt that last earthquake, or another one in the past, report your experiences here. Community Internet Intensity Maps of shaking as reported by Internet users.

CA EQ Forecast map

24-Hour Aftershock Forecast Map
Time-dependent map giving the probability of strong shaking at any location in California within the next 24-hours.

scign.jpg Current GPS Monitoring
Plots for the slow movement of the crust in southern California measured continuously by GPS Monitoring in Southern California.

Xerox Parc Map

Earthquake Commentary, Special Reports &" Quicklooks"
Descriptive info for significant or felt earthquakes, special reports for newsworthy earthquakes & links to other networks.

mail.gif Earthquake Notification Service
Subscribe to ENS and customize your settings to receive notifications only for Southern CA.

ShakeMovie ShakeMovie
Caltech's near real-time simulation of Southern California seismic events portal.