Official Fish & Wildlife Service Logo U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Mountain Prairie Region (Region 6) Division of Human Resources
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People - Our Most Important Resource

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Takes you to the Employee Development Page
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Takes you to the Retirement & Benefits page
Takes you to the Training Page
Takes you to the Mentoring Page
Takes you to the Ethics Page
Takes you to the Staff Directory
Takes you to Student Information




CARES Vacancies
USA Jobs

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Staffing and Recruitment

Graphic of a generic Human Resources Magazine


  • Provide guidance and assistance to management and employees and process the full range of personnel actions including:

    • Accessions, new hires, transfers, reinstatements, laterals, details, placement in duty or non-duty status, position changes,  reassignments, realignments, pay and step changes, promotions, accretions, change to lower grade, reductions in force, furloughs, changes in hours or work schedules, suspensions, separations, resignations, and removals

    • Process personnel/payroll corrective actions  

    • Develop and manage vacancy announcements – develop evaluation methods, issue vacancy announcements, determine job qualifications, verify credentials and applicant documentation, prepare and issue certificates, make job offers

  • Manage Delegated Examining Unit activities

  • Manage Conservation Applicant Referral Evaluation System (CARES)

  • Manage Region 6 Federal Personnel/Payroll System (FPPS)

    • Maintain security, offices, route paths, request new user identifications, remove user access, and reset passwords for personnel accesses

    • Maintain security, offices, route paths, and password resets for time and attendance accesses

  • Administer Pay and Benefits to include:

    • Provide guidance and assistance to management and employees regarding biweekly payroll items such as time and attendance processing, work schedules, premium pay, holiday pay, overtime, compensatory time, Sunday premium pay, night differential, payroll deductions, leave issues, and Employee Express

    • Manage the payroll edit process in FPPS to assure accurate data entry for correct salary payments

  • Maintain Employee Records

    • Official Personnel Files (OPF’s)

    • Medical/Physical  Records

    • Maintain separation OPF’s pending disbursement or archiving

  • Maintain Employee Exit Clearance Process/Forms and Employee Exit Surveys