Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 9. Mexico-U.S./U.S.-Mexico Travel by Mode of Transportation

(Thousands of roundtrips)

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  1990 1996 1999 Percentage change, 1990-1999
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Mexican resident overnight travel to the United States 7,040 100.0  8,709 100.0   9,934 100.0 41.1
Air    959  13.6    983  11.3   1,281  12.9 33.5
Land  6,081  86.4  7,726  88.7   8,654  87.1 42.3
Mexican resident same-day travel to the United States91,494 100.0 94,399 100.0 107,031 100.0 17.0
Air Nonexistent Nonexistent Nonexistent Nonexistent Nonexistent Nonexistent Nonexistent
Land 91,494 100.0 94,399 100.0 107,031 100.0 17.0
U.S. resident overnight travel to Mexico16,377 100.0 20,302 100.0  17,577 100.0  7.3
Air  3,635  22.2  5,361  26.4   5,835  33.2 60.5
Land 12,742  77.8 14,941  73.6  11,742  66.8 -7.8
U.S. resident same-day travel to Mexico64,038 100.0 66,859 100.0  77,778 100.0 21.5
Air Nonexistent Nonexistent Nonexistent Nonexistent Nonexistent Nonexistent Nonexistent
Land 64,038 100.0 66,859 100.0  77,778 100.0 21.5

NOTE: Detailed data for land modes are not available.

SOURCE: Banco de México, Dirección General de Investigación Económica, Dirección de Medición Económica, 1999 and 2001.

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