Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

TABLE F-1 Long-Distance Travel in the U.S. by Selected Trip Characteristics: 2001

(Roundtrips to destinations at least 50 miles away)

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  Person trips (thousands) Person-miles (millions) Personal-use vehicle trips (thousands) Personal-use vehicle-miles (millions)
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
TOTAL 2,617,126 100.0 1,360,813 100.0 2,336,094 100.0 760,325 100.0
Principal means of transportation 2,617,126 100.0 1,360,813 100.0 2,336,094 100.0 760,325 100.0
Personal-use vehicle 2,336,094 89.3 760,325 55.9 2,336,094 100.0 760,325 100.0
Airplane 193,290 7.4 557,609 41.0 NA NA NA NA
Commercial airplane 187,063 7.1 551,314 40.5 NA NA NA NA
Bus 55,443 2.1 27,081 2.0 NA NA NA NA
Intercity 22,941 0.9 9,945 0.7 NA NA NA NA
Charter or tour 32,502 1.2 17,136 1.3 NA NA NA NA
Train 21,144 0.8 10,546 0.8 NA NA NA NA
Ship, boat, or ferry 2,040 0.1 4,278 0.3 NA NA NA NA
Other 3,728 0.1 840 0.1 NA NA NA NA
Not reported 5,388 0.2 133 0.0 NA NA NA NA
Roundtrip distance 2,617,126 100.0 1,360,813 100.0 2,336,094 100.0 760,325 100.0
Less than 200 miles 1,249,018 47.7 175,171 12.9 1,209,312 51.8 170,441 22.4
200-299 miles 456,100 17.4 110,937 8.2 439,120 18.8 106,748 14.0
300-499 miles 377,177 14.4 144,972 10.7 355,501 15.2 136,328 17.9
500-999 miles 269,109 10.3 185,695 13.6 231,182 9.9 157,405 20.7
1,000-1,999 miles 132,548 5.1 189,468 13.9 71,481 3.1 97,652 12.8
2,000 miles or more 133,174 5.1 554,569 40.8 29,498 1.3 91,749 12.1
Mean (miles) 520 NA NA NA 325 NA NA NA
Median (miles) 209 NA NA NA 194 NA NA NA
Calendar quarter 2,617,126 100.0 1,360,813 100.0 2,336,094 100.0 760,325 100.0
1st quarter 576,111 22.0 291,733 21.4 510,906 21.9 162,400 21.4
2nd quarter 684,382 26.2 397,302 29.2 602,396 25.8 199,958 26.3
3rd quarter 733,488 28.0 374,407 27.5 667,600 28.6 220,300 29.0
4th quarter 623,146 23.8 297,371 21.9 555,192 23.8 177,666 23.4
Main purpose of trip 2,617,126 100.0 1,360,813 100.0 2,336,094 100.0 760,325 100.0
Commute 330,369 12.6 67,599 5.0 318,336 13.6 57,571 7.6
Business 399,312 15.3 279,337 20.5 316,006 13.5 100,665 13.2
Pleasure 1,464,914 56.0 827,035 60.8 1,322,501 56.6 476,681 62.7
Visit relatives or friends 663,203 25.3 357,095 26.2 609,457 26.1 220,583 29.0
Leisure 786,532 30.1 456,201 33.5 700,467 30.0 250,863 33.0
Rest or relaxation 73,810 2.8 30,431 2.2 68,750 2.9 21,602 2.8
Sightseeing 39,764 1.5 20,591 1.5 34,721 1.5 12,828 1.7
Outdoor recreation 125,627 4.8 44,203 3.2 116,724 5.0 34,802 4.6
Entertainment 176,062 6.7 61,561 4.5 154,347 6.6 43,581 5.7
Personal business 245,679 9.4 108,752 8.0 229,706 9.8 76,814 10.1
Other 176,202 6.7 77,342 5.7 149,019 6.4 48,437 6.4
Not reported 651 0.02 748 0.05 526 0.02 157 0.02
Nights away from home 2,617,126 100.0 1,360,813 100.0 2,336,094 100.0 760,325 100.0
None 1,472,089 56.2 321,353 23.6 1,401,406 60.0 279,249 36.7
1-3 nights 821,311 31.4 431,155 31.7 728,311 31.2 284,967 37.5
4-7 nights 230,335 8.8 326,913 24.0 155,194 6.6 124,495 16.4
8 or more nights 93,392 3.6 281,390 20.7 51,183 2.2 71,613 9.4
Mean, excluding none (nights) 3.5 NA NA NA 3.0 NA NA NA
Type of lodging at destination 2,617,126 100.0 1,360,813 100.0 2,336,094 100.0 760,325 100.0
Friend's or relative's home 480,887 18.4 370,166 27.2 416,652 17.8 204,705 26.9
Hotel, motel, or resort 369,065 14.1 469,505 34.5 252,951 10.8 149,185 19.6
Rented cabin, condo, or vacation home 48,041 1.8 41,529 3.1 42,016 1.8 25,037 3.3
Owned cabin, condo, or vacation home 67,816 2.6 36,725 2.7 63,248 2.7 23,988 3.2
Camper, trailer, recreational vehicle, tent 60,815 2.3 35,118 2.6 59,519 2.5 29,924 3.9
Other type of lodging 99,902 3.8 73,314 5.4 83,930 3.6 38,356 5.0
Did not stay overnight 1,489,330 56.9 333,896 24.5 1,417,045 60.7 288,922 38.0
Not reported 1,271 0.05 559 0.04 731 0.03 208 0.03
Nights at destination                
Mean nights at destination 1.5 NA NA NA 1.1 NA NA NA
Friend's or relative's home 3.3 NA NA NA 2.7 NA NA NA
Hotel, motel, or resort 2.8 NA NA NA 2.3 NA NA NA

KEY: NA = not applicable.

NOTES: Includes other leisure purposes not shown separately. Data may not add to total because of independent rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and USDOT, Federal Highway Administration, 2001 National Household Travel Survey Data, CD-ROM, February 2004.

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