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Research and Statistics Staff | Financial Structure Section
Kenneth P. Brevoort
Senior Economist
Financial Structure Section
Division of Research and Statistics

Contact Information

Fields of Interest
Industrial Organization
Banking and Financial Institutions
Urban Rural and Regional Economics

Ph.D., Economics, The Ohio State University, 2002
M.S., Economics, University of Delaware, 1995
B.A., Political Science, University of Delaware, 1992

Professional Experience
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2001-present

Selected Publications

  • ''The 2006 HMDA Data'' (with Robert B. Avery and Glenn B. Canner), Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. (December 2007), pp. A73-A109.
  • ''Opportunities and Issues in Using HMDA Data'' (with Robert B. Avery and Glenn B. Canner), Journal of Real Estate Research, vol. 29 (October 2007), pp. 351-379.
  • ''Who Competes with Whom? The Case of Depository Institutions'' (with Robert M. Adams and Elizabeth K. Kiser), Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 55 (March 2007), pp. 141-167.
  • ''Commercial Lending and Distance: Evidence from Community Reinvestment Act Data'' (with Timothy Hannan), Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, vol. 38 (December 2006), pp. 1991-2012.
  • ''Higher-Priced Home Lending and the 2005 HMDA Data'' (with Robert B. Avery and Glenn B. Canner), Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 92 (September 2006), pp. A123-A166.
  • ''The Perceived Size of Small Business Banking Markets'' (with Dean F. Amel), Journal of Competition Law and Economics, vol. 1 (December 2005), pp. 771-784.
  • ''Successful Monopolization through Predation: The National Cash Register Company'' (with Howard P. Marvel), in John B. Kirkwood, ed., Antitrust Law and Economics. New York: Elsevier, 2004.

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Last update: October 9, 2008