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The Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is a non-partisan, non-political organization. We do not support any political candidate, nor do we endorse any religious organization. The military represents all aspects of America as does our organization.

We are mothers who now have, or have had, children honorably serving in the military. We are a non-profit (501[c]3) service organization supporting each other and our children while promoting patriotism.

The Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is authorized by the U.S. Code: Title 36; Section 943, as of January 26, 1998.

A listing in the DOD news, gives a short history about our organization and the Blue Star Banner. Please visit here.

Read the History of the Blue Star Mothers

Contact Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc.

Learn how to become a member.

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Learn about The Service Flag, the Blue Star or the Gold Star

Your Donations are Appreciated

Blue Star Mothers,Inc is a 501(c)3 Organization


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Content on this site is not to be copied and redistributed without permission from Blue Star Mothers of America .
Please contact the Webmaster if you are interested in graphics or content or have questions about the website..
Links to our tribute sites for the fallen for political purposes is strictly forbidden. 

The Blue Star Mothers of America, Inc. is a non-partisan, non-political organization. We do not support any political candidate nor do we endorse any religious organization. The military represents all aspects of America as does our organization. Links to our website do not represent an endorsement.



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