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Trail Traffic Counters: Update

Gasvoda, Dave. 1999. Trail Traffic Counters: Update. 9923 2835P. Missoula, MT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Missoula Technology and Development Center.

This report updates a 1994 report, Trail Traffic Counters for Forest Service Trail Monitoring (9423-2823-MTDC). Three types of trail counters were evaluated: active infrared, passive infrared, and seismic. The report recommends an active infrared system for most trail monitoring situations because these systems provide the most accurate counts. One disadvantage of infrared systems is that they are harder to hide from vandals than seismic systems, particularly the active infrared systems that require bright reflectors to return the beam to the sending unit. Passive infrared systems should be reserved for situations that require a small, lightweight unit that must be set up quickly. Seismic systems may be used when problems with vandalism outweigh the need for accuracy.

Keywords: inductive loops, infrared sensors, monitoring, seismic sensors, sensors, visitor use


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