Six Rivers National Forest

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Orleans District Roads Analysis Process

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The Orleans District, Six Rivers National Forest, has completed a District Roads Analysis (Orleans RAP) to identify a transportation system that meets forest resource and public access needs.

The Regional Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Route Designation Process was integrated with the Orleans RAP for efficiency and to provide a complete transportation assessment on the Orleans District, particularly given that few new routes were mapped as part of the OHV inventory. Our analysis included an evaluation of these routes to be considered for designation as OHV routes. For more information on the OHV Route Designation Process go to


The objective of the Orleans RAP is to provide the Forest with information necessary to efficiently manage the transportation system and to determine the minimum transportation system needed that:

  • Provides public and Forest Service administrative access to achieve forest land and resource management goals
  • Is affordable, manageable, and sustainable
  • Has minimal negative effects on the land and resources

This is accomplished by:

  • Identifying needed and unneeded routes
  • Identifying road-associated environmental and public safety risks
  • Identifying site-specific priorities and opportunities for road improvements and decommissioning
  • Identifying areas of special sensitivity (e.g. high public use areas with risk of spreading of Port-Orford cedar root rot disease), unique resource values, or both

No decisions are being made during this process; however, preliminary recommendations are a product of the completed Orleans RAP and will be used as a basis for proposed actions in future environmental analysis. A full environmental analysis follows before any changes can be made that would legally affect public access on the Orleans District.

The Six Rivers National Forest receives limited funding to maintain the current transportation system and is anticipating reducing road miles. The Orleans District identified routes that are needed to meet all administrative needs and objectives, while identifying risks to resource values. Not all routes currently existing on the landscape are needed for public or administrative purposes. Management opportunities for addressing identified road-related resource issues range from upgrading to decommissioning or converting roads to trails, and addressing the spread of Port-Orford cedar root disease.

Maps, Tables, Definitions:

An interdisciplinary team evaluated each route for administrative need, potential resource risk, and has determined management options. Maps and tables outlining management options can be accessed on the links listed below.

Public Involvement:

Public involvement will occur during the future formal environmental process as part of the National Environmental Policy Act.

For further information, please contact Carolyn Cook at (707) 441-3551 or LeRoy Cyr at (530) 627-3291 or Ray McCray (707) 574-6233 extension 239 for OHV information.

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