Six Rivers National Forest

Home » Recreational Activities » Camping » Rustic Camping

Rustic Camping

Back Country and Undeveloped Camping Areas

If you prefer undeveloped camping areas, most of the forest is open for camping unless specifically prohibited. Dispersed camping is free of charge and is limited to 30 days per year, per district. Your site must be at least 1/4 mile from developed sites. No vehicles may be driven to undeveloped sites unless via a Forest Service maintained road.

Fire permits are required for all uses of fire, gas lanterns, barbecues, and capstones outside developed campgrounds. Permits are free and available at all Forest Service offices.


Please do not feed bears of other wildlife either intentionally or accidentally. Bears and other critters ordinarily become problems in campgrounds only when visitors are careless with food storage. . Most large mammals avoid anything smelling like humans, but bears are the exception. Bears recognize ice chests as a source of food and can rip a window off of a car to get to an ice chest. Store food items in your vehicle trunk or inside your vehicle. Vehicle windows should be closed and food items covered to limit visibility. Bears consider all products with an odor as food: toothpaste, suntan lotion, insect repellent, even chewing gum should be properly stored. On the trail, hang food from a line or tree at a minimum height of 12 feet to help safeguard your edibles. more »

For More Information

Please visit, call, or write one of our Forest Service offices. Unless otherwise indicated, office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. Most district offices also maintain weekend hours during the summer months. All forest offices are wheelchair accessible.

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