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National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
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PTSD101 - An educational resource for PTSD professional

Frequently Asked Questions

What is PTSD?

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experiencing or witnessing of life-threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, abuse (sexual, physical, emotional, ritual), and violent personal assaults like rape. People who suffer from PTSD often relive the experience through nightmares and flashbacks, have difficulty sleeping, and feel detached or estranged, and these symptoms can be severe enough and last long enough to significantly impair the person's daily life.

PTSD is marked by clear biological changes as well as psychological symptoms. PTSD is complicated by the fact that it frequently occurs in conjunction with related disorders such as depression, substance abuse, problems of memory and cognition, and other problems of physical and mental health. The disorder is also associated with impairment of the person's ability to function in social or family life, including occupational instability, marital problems and divorces, family discord, and difficulties in parenting.

For a further definition, please go to What Is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

How do I get Continuing Education credits for the courses I take?

For continuing education credit for each module, you must (1) read the module’s program brochure (2) complete the module, and (3) register on one of two websites. Please visit the CE Credit page for more information.

After logging on and registering, complete the posttest and evaluation.  If you receive a test score of no lower than 80%, you may print a certificate of completion. If necessary, you may retake the test.

Are there any fees to take the courses, or for obtaining the Continuing Education Credits?

No, there is no fee to take any of the courses, and there is no fee for providing you with the Continuing Education credits.

Do I have to be a Department of Veterans Affairs employee in order to view the courses and obtain Continuing Education credits?

No, you do not need to be a Department of Veterans Affairs employee to view the courses. However, the courses are meant for viewing by medical and mental health professionals and for others who provide services to traumatized populations.

I am not a Department of Veterans Affairs employee, is there a fee to receive Continuing Education credits?

No, there is no fee. The courses are made available at no cost to you by the Department of Veterans Affairs-Employee Education System.

As a professional, I need to locate a specific assessment instrument for PTSD. How do I do that?

Assessment instruments created by National Center for PTSD staff, such as: CAPS, CAPS-CA, and TESI-C, can be requested online through the National Center for PTSD website. For more information, see Assessment.

What is the PTSD 101 Bulletin Board (Discussion Board)?

The Bulletin Board is a web location where VA practitioners can discuss topics of interest, ask questions, and post news or other items of professional interest. It is not designed to facilitate the provision of clinical services.

How do I access the Bulletin Board?

If you are a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) employee, you may register to access the PTSD 101 "Bulletin Board." Once you activate the link to the Bulletin Board, you may apply for a password to access. Once your information is received and verified, you will be granted access. You will be recognized by the system at each subsequent visit. Unfortunately, only DVA employees may access the Bulletin Board.

What type of software do I need to be able to view the courses?

You need either the full version of Microsoft PowerPoint or the free PowerPoint Viewer, and software to unzip compressed files. Please visit the Help page for more information.