Six Rivers National Forest

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Fire Prevention

Wildfire Protection

With the increase in homes being built in the wildland urban interface, protection of those homes presents a difficult challenge for the fire fighting community. The public needs to understand that even though there are numerous resources available to suppress wildland fires, there is still a home owner responsibility to make your home safe from a threatening wildfire. A program called FIREWISE is available which describes what a home owner can do to protect their house from a wildland fire. With little investment and following the guidelines outlined in the program, your home will be safer from an advancing wildland fire. Fires will occur in the wildland urban interface and with advanced planning your home can have a better chance of surviving. Visit the FIREWISE home page for information on what YOU can do.

Safe Debris Burning

Before doing any debris burning, contact your local Ranger Station. There are many factors to consider when planning debris burning. The fire prevention specialist at the local Ranger Station will explain them to you if you need assistance. Some items to consider prior to burning are wind, temperature and dryness. Windy, dry days are not suitable for burning, because of the added danger that the fire will escape your control. YOU are responsible for your fire until it is dead out.

General Rules for Safe Debris Burning:

  • Make sure you have a valid permit during the fire season.
  • Check with local officials - burning my be prohibited.
  • Check the weather - don't burn on dry, windy days.
  • Local fire officials can recommend a safe way for burning debris. Debris should be placed in a cleared area, away from overhead branches and power lines.
  • Check local laws on burning debris. Some communities allow burning only during specified hours; others forbid it entirely.
  • Consider the alternatives to burning. Some types of debris, such as leaves, grass, and stubble, may be hauled to the landfill. Only natural vegetation may be burned.

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