Appendix B: Social and Economic Characteristics of the United States,,,,,,, ,1980,1985,1990,1995,2000,2005,2006 Total U.S. Resident Population (thousands),"227,225","237,924","249,623","266,278","282,193","296,410","299,398" Population by age (thousands),,,,,,, Under 18,"63,754","62,623","63,949","69,465","72,307","73,470","73,736" 18-24 years,"30,022","28,902","26,961","25,482","27,141","29,307","29,455" 25-34 years,"37,082","41,696","43,174","45,052","39,895","40,143","40,416" 35-44 years,"25,634","31,691","37,444","42,711","45,150","43,863","43,667" 45-54 years,"22,800","22,460","25,062","31,480","37,674","42,483","43,278" 55-64 years,"21,703","22,135","21,116","21,320","24,273","30,356","31,587" 65 and over,"25,550","28,415","31,084","33,769","34,992","36,790","37,260" Population by sex (thousands),,,,,,, Male,"110,053","115,730","121,284","130,215","138,056","146,000","147,512" Female,"116,493","122,194","127,507","136,063","143,368","150,411","151,886" Population in Metropolitan areas (millions) ,,,,,,, Large (over 1 million),119,U,139,147,149,160,161 "Medium (250,000-999,999)",41,U,41,44,56,59,60 "Small (less than 250,000)",17,U,18,19,28,28,28 Population in Regions (millions),,,,,,, Northeast,49.1,49.9,50.8,52.3,53.6,54.6,54.7 South,75.4,81.4,85.5,93.2,100.2,107.5,109.1 Midwest,58.9,58.8,59.7,62.5,64.4,66,66.2 West,43.2,47.8,52.8,58.3,63.2,68.3,69.4 Immigrants admitted (thousands),531,570,"1,536",720,841,"1,122","1,204" Gross domestic product (billions of chained $ 2000),"5,162","6,054","7,113","8,032","9,817","11,003","11,319" Civilian labor force (thousands),"106,940","115,461","125,840","132,304","142,583","149,320","151,428" Participation rate of men (%),77.4,76.3,76.4,75,74.8,73.3,73.5 Participation rate of women (%),51.5,54.5,57.5,58.9,59.9,59.3,59.4 Unemployment rate (% of labor force),7.1,7.2,5.6,5.6,4,5.1,4.6 Households (thousands),"80,776","86,789","93,347","98,990","104,705","114,384","116,011" Average size of households,2.76,2.69,2.63,2.65,2.62,2.57,2.57 Median household income (constant $ 2006) ,"41,258","42,205","44,778","44,764","49,163","47,845","48,201" Average household expenditures (constant $ 2004) ,U,"44,011","43,777","42,680","44,540","47,906","48,398" KEY: U = Data are unavailable.,,,,,,, "NOTES: Resident population estimates are as of July 1 except 1980, 1990, and 2000, which are as of April 1. New metropolitan area definitions were published by the Office of Budget and Management (OMB) in 2003. These definitions were applied to population data by the Census Bureau beginning with the data from the 2000 Census. A new term, core based statistical areas (CBSAs), collectively refers to metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas. A metropolitan statistical area is defined as having at least one urbanized area of 50,000 or more inhabitants. A micropolitan statistical area is defined as having at least one urban cluster of more than 10,000 but less than 50,000 inhabitants.",,,,,,, Number of immigrants is based on fiscal year data ending September 30.,,,,,,, Median household income and average household expenditures were converted to constant 2006 dollars using the consumer price index.,,,,,,, "SOURCES: 1980-2006: U.S. resident population—U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States 2007 (Washington, DC: 2007), table 2. Population by age, Population by sex—U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States (Washington, DC: various years), table 11. Population by metropolitan area—U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, Annual Estimates of the Population of Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas (Washington, DC: April 2007), table 1, available at as of April 4, 2007. Population in regions— U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States 2007 (Washington, DC: 2007), table 17. Number of immigrants admitted—U.S. Census Bureau, Statistical Abstract of the United States (Washington, DC: various years), table 5.",,,,,,, "2006: U.S. resident population; population by age, sex, region, and metropolitan area; and number of immigrants admitted: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Estimates, National, available at as of Nov. 2007.",,,,,,, "Gross Domestic Product— U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, NIPA Tables. table 1.1.6, available at as of Nov. 2007.",,,,,,, "Civilian Labor Force, Unemployment Rate, Participation of Men and Women— U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey, Historical Data, Table A-1 and Table AA-7, available at as of Nov. 2007.",,,,,,, "Number of households, Average size of households—U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Families and Living Arrangements, Detailed Tables, Table AVG-1, available at as of Nov. 2007. ",,,,,,, "Median household income— U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of the Census, Historical Income Data, Table H-5, available at as of Nov., 2007. ",,,,,,, "Average household expenditures— U.S Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Expenditure Survey, Average Annual Expenditures, All Consumer Units, available at as of Nov. 2007.",,,,,,,